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Member Since:Apr 28, 2003
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Education: BE Comp
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Poor service, and worse customer upport
Reviewed Remit2India
I signed up for Remit2India recently, and my first transaction ever ran into innumerable problems. First off, I had asked for a direct account credit to my baRead more...
DataOne - Great Product, Good service
Reviewed BSNL Dataone Broadband Service
I am a VERY happy customer of DataOne since July 2005. Heres my experiences of DataOne (Pune Telecom Circle) Getting it I asked for Dataone service, aRead more...
Sucks: Kothari Hyundai Pune
Reviewed Choosing a Car Dealer
Just sharing my experience at Kothari Cars, Pune(Hyundai Dealer): I booked a Santro Xing with ABS sometime in the 2nd week of August and was told that it norRead more...
Decent scanner, printer sucks
Reviewed Lexmark P3150 All-in-one
The Lexmark P3150 Printer/Scanner/CF reader is a over-rated piece of crap. The card reader (compact flash, sd, etc) works ok, the scanner is half decent, but Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
In response to avis2avis: I usually get my car serviced at Sanjay Hyundai after the dismal service from Kothari. I remember the first time I got it serviced, there was a lot of talk about my note (’’I got my Santro from Kothari Hyundai - Please don’t make the same mistake!’’) stuck on the rear wi Read More...
in response to msnijjar: I was so fed up that I put a note (in large, friendly letters) in the back saying 'I got my Santro from Kothari Hyundai - Please don't make the same mistake!' I even told them that I was doing this, but they didn't quite care. I finally got a call from Mr Kothari himse Read More...
Followed ketantendulkar
Rated on moodsie's review
Commented on ketantendulkar's review
Another link worth seeing: http:// www.rense.com/ general7/ whyy.htm And for you pune folks -- try some of the 'sidey' places (read tapris). they are much better than the golden arches. And if you really want to go to a nice place with good (and *cheap*) food - try Marz-o-rin!
Rated on ketantendulkar's review
Commented on digantkamdar's review
I agree with whatever D has said above. However, aren't these just extensions of regular ettiquettes ? Like not going off somewhere when you have company, or not talking too loudly in public places, or whatever? Cell phones are just a new mode of communication, and the same rules apply as Read More...
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Shalini Pandey (@filmyshaliniMouthShut Verified Member)
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Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
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Arun Talukdar (@aruntalukdarMouthShut Verified Member)
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Manoj Kumar (@GreenDartMouthShut Verified Member)
Atul Chandan Menon (@menonatulMouthShut Verified Member)
Vaikunth K (@vaikunth3MouthShut Verified Member)
Vikrant Acharya (@Livspace_officialMouthShut Verified Member)
Pankaj Gilotra (@p162_261MouthShut Verified Member)
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Guru Singh (@guruxxx7557MouthShut Verified Member)
Abhishek Thapa (@abhishekthapa741MouthShut Verified Member)
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Himanshu S (@Caribbean2024MouthShut Verified Member)
ADITYA MOHNISH (@adityamohnishMouthShut Verified Member)
Balkrishna Pandey (@balkrishna1961898MouthShut Verified Member)
AnikMehta007 (@AnikMehta007MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 96