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Member Since:May 29, 2005
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Education: GRADUATE
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Reviewed Kinetic Comet 250
After years of praying for a multi-cylinder bike, I could get my hands on the first COMET in India ( ON 11 nov 2004 ) . The first few weeks were real ecstacy.Read more...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
It is the same old ( 10 year old ) ESTEEM engine, with a new body ! How much fun is that... ? MARUTI is an aging mistress trying out new clothes to SEDUCE YORead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on arunnagaraju's review
Hi Arun, As much as you love the ESTEEM, i am a MARUTI-BASHER...( I STILL feel cheated about the ESTEEM I owned in 1996-1997 ) which I had to sell even before I did 10000 kms, because of ENGINE KNOCKING ) So If I could convince atleast a few people against buying a MARUTI product, I would have Read More...
HI Arun, You haven't highlighted power to weight ratio...because it is unfavourable !! ESTEEM VXi... 875 kgs for 85 BHP. THAT'S 97 BHP PER TON SWIFT VXi .... 1000 KG FOR 87 BHP THAT'S 87 BHP PER TON.. in other words, you are getting a heavier car with an ENGINE of lesser power ! If Read More...
Commented on own review
'new engine costs more money' ...?? How do you know that ?? the new ( vastly improved HONDA CRV 2.4 ) costs the same as the old HONDA CRV 2.0 L engine.... Let us not jump to conclusions about new engines and the costs, and let us not pretend to understand what MARUTI's finances and cost Read More...
Commented on theenigma's review
This device is great... but it has a BIG DRAWBACK... it cannot record FM RADIO !!
The whole point is whether the whole world deserves the latest engine technology ( which means more power, better mileage, lesser vibration/noise NVH, ) better everthing, more fun to drive.....and India gets a 10 year old ESTEEM ENGINE..... MARUTI suppliers further cut corners to produce third-rate Read More...
Commented on dinykm's review
Congrats on getting this great bike.... Hope the initial niggling problems go away after some service....You are lucky KINETIC is right there in PUNE to support you. Talk to Ajinkya Firodia, GM MARKETING ( ajinkya@kineticindia.com,) or V.P. (vismaya@kineticindia.com ) I got my COMET on Nov 11th 2 Read More...
Commented on mobike008's review
i HOPE BAJAJ / HONDA/YAMAHA come up with some 250 cc or more ( twin/four cylinder - not the same goddamn single bore-piston ) and then we can talk about performance bikes !! Talking about a 250 cc or a 500 cc makes sense.... It is tiring to read about the same old stuff about bikes YAMAHA 135, P Read More...
Commented on k_tripathi's review
no doubt a legend, but it is getting too boring to read about this in this century.... let us move on... hope some f*%$$ Japanese company comes up soon with 400 /600 cc bikes.. then we have something new to talk about... tired of hearing about RX RD for the last 25 years......
what a joke... the hayabusa engine...?? ... THEN I suggest you buy tthe SWIFT, take the engine out and fit it to your 100 cc bike... you'll have more fun that way..... and FIT YOUR AIRBAGS ON THE BIKE TOO, THEY'LL come in handy is saving your life..., but then is it worth saving...?
Commented on hp00968's review
hi hp, your reivew is very good, because it is a straight lift from a magazine... it is one of these autocar, bsmotoring, overdrive..let me see if I can get my hands on that particular issue,,,,..I've read this review several times before buying the CRV 2.4 in dec 2004...... first hand informatio Read More...
Commented on nirvana666's review
Hello Nirvana, to keep a reivew straight and honest, post the links too.... randy rhoads never joined black sabbath. .. he would be turning in his grave, hearing this........if you have ever heard/read about randy rhoads, you would have never made this mistake...!!! Good to know that you play Read More...
hello Mr. Bappi Lahiri, where did you copy and paste this from .....? This a lift from a magazine, website, or a book.....
this review HAS BEEN lifted FROM A CAR/BIKE MAGAZINE...... what 's the BIG IDEA. HP00968...???? AND PEOPLE PRAISING HIM FOR A LIFTED REVIEW ???? Everyone here is getting carried away with wishful thinking..... I own a CR-V 2.4 L and and here are some facts to ponder over......... The CR-V Read More...
Rated on pulsarian's review
Commented on pulsarian's review
yes, pulsarian,,,, what you said in your review is 100 %TRUE.... 2 STROKE RULES ( or RULED !! )....
COMET does 0-100 in 10.44 seconds...... PULSAR/KARIZMA/AQUILA take 14 seconds.......here's the review www.overdrive.co.in/Art_dtls.asp?page=6&tblname=tests&code=123 'ON A BRAND NEW RX ' , maybe two up should be around 10 seconds....( also allow for human error in noting thetime, speedo err Read More...
Commented on jimmy_jindal's review
hey, dont talk about scorpions, led zeppelin, deep purple...they are not guitarists !!! do you know who the lead guitarists of these gourps are ...... talk about the lead guitarists ( or rhythm guitarist or bass guitarists ) ... deep purple changed their line up several times,, and lead guitarists Read More...
ROCK music / greatest guitarists ???.... some of these guitarists would turn in their grave if you dont mention their names.....there are lots of 'greatest guitarists' and not just 5 ..... you are talking about whole genres of music that would take a lifetime to listen to and appreciate fully... an Read More...
Commented on mskhetan's review
I can imagine your frustration....there are two issues here... CREDIT CARD companies have a clause which always states that they are not responsible for the quality of service or even availability of the service mentioned in the offer.... this means you have to fight it out with the shop/establishme Read More...
Hi pulsarian, another thing about your review that makes a lot of sense now.......I have the COMET, which I ride now, but I feel it DOES NOT pack the same PUNCH that my RX100 had....it is hard to compare an impression of 1986 with today's impression...... but i have a feeling that RX 100 of 1986 ( a Read More...
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