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Member Since:Apr 11, 2006
0 MS Points
Ms website proclaims to be a unbiased view of products. But on getting 3 of my articles on MS being deleted inspite of it having being rated as very useful I have lost hope on this website and would not waste any more time writing for it. My articles were neither obscene or hate centric, without warning they were still deleted. So i have to resort to writing this in my profile to get heard. Faisal if you are able t get this, i hope you clean up the act. When I first encountered MS i was very excited to test my new found writing skills and even more overjoyed by the response. I then wrote an article on limitations of MS which was informative and given it a 3 star rating. Thats when the trouble started. The article was deleted by MS without indicating why.
About Me
Education: Graduate
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Road Trip to Udipi
Reviewed General Tips on Road Trips
We often heard about the beautiful drive to Udipi and wanted to do this road trip. Wedding of our close friend provided this excuse. The distance from BangaloRead more...
Goa After Marriage
Reviewed Goa
Goa the land of 3 Bs Beaches, Babes and Beer not in any particular order. I decided to find out if marriage has any effect on the 3 Bs in Goa. We Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Alok_Sr's review
Interesting i say about comments from thakurman who i feel plays it safe. No need to stir a hornets nest after putting in so much effort into your writitngs. But as a bastion of consumer,MS fails miserably as i have found out. But somehow the people like you and thakurman bring me back to this websi Read More...
Commented on own review
1) I was not aware of what is Tito's. Once I went inside i understood it. Why baby , nobody should go if they dont want to go deaf. 2) Mambo served only breezers and pint sized beer. Not even 650 ml beers. You please check out properly before commenting 3) Thanks for suggesting Uday's Bar. i'll tr Read More...
Commented on Silverfeather's review
I liked the song 'lage tumse man ki lagan' and the write up on it was interesting . Will note down these points when listening to it the next time
Rated on Silverfeather's review
Commented on sourray's review
the match was simply the best, putting my fears of big matches turning out to be duds to rest. Actually would like to differ you on the free kick caused by Carlos Puyol. There was no need for that tackel since Thiery Henry was not in turning in towards the goal anyway. There was absolutely no danger Read More...
Rated on sourray's review
Rated on samforyou's review
Commented on psks's review
I would suggest you register a complaint with the Airline Passenger Redressal forum , dunno the exact forum name. Last time a local cariers flight was delayed by 6 hours, members got 30k as compensation. lets be proactive and pursure these matters to the logical end
Rated on psks's review
Followed kamini
Commented on kamini's review
Great to have this kind of heads up for a newbie like me. Will go thru the list and find out more on them.. Cheerios and do keep writing
Commented on atlantis1024's review
I have never had any problems with Rediff, except for my account getting deleted as the authour. But htis was legitimate and as per the policy of company. Yu dont login into your accnt for 30 days , mails get deleted and for 45 days account gets inactive. I was able to create an account with the sam Read More...
Commented on samsamurai's review
YEa i agree with you. They make you feel like, 'So you can afford to fly is it, THINK again'. I dont think this attitude will help considering the nos of alternatives on offer. They goota change or will be changed
Followed sandeepmohan
Rated on sandeepmohan's review
Commented on manualrebello's review
Hey which player do you recomend. I ad a Daewoo player which is behaving irrationally so have to buy anew one. I have a panasonic tv and bose acoustimass 6 Home theater . Which DVD player do you suggest
Rated on haru's review
Commented on reincarnut's review
All the need to know terms are explained inlay man terms. Now comes the million dollar question which DVD player do you suggest currently? Should ideally play even scratched dvds
Rated on reincarnut's review
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