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Member Since:Mar 06, 2004
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Well i work for an Animation Studio in Poona. I love to write about things i have owned, experienced and believe in expressing myself.I have a few friends and would like to make many more. Indian Railways,Train Spotting, Internet,Traveling, Automobiles, Motorbikes, Trucks, High End PCs/Macs, Movies, Music, Women
About Me
Education: Degree Holder
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The Real Bullet
Reviewed Royal Enfield 500
Among the circle of Bullet riders I really wonder how many have heard of the Royal Enfield 500. I am not surprised if there arent any. This was a bike tRead more...
Our First Little Car
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800
The Suzuki 800, a car that changed the whole face or should I say experience of what a modern car should be. I still recall the days when this car was launcheRead more...
Ride Like the Wind
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
The Honda Unicorn. Never expected to buy one cause im used to more heavy and powerful motorbikes such as the Yezdi Roadking but then I went ahead and picked uRead more...
My First Washing Machine
Reviewed IFB Executive Plus
Its been about a month now I picked up a IFB Executive Plus Washing Machine. It has solved my washing problems so heres a bit of the experience. The IFBRead more...
Twin Cylinder Magic
Reviewed Yezdi 350 Twin
How many twin cylinder motor bikes were made in India? Well im sure most of you know of the Yamaha/Rajdoot RD350 but thats quite a common name among the bikinRead more...
Just a Basic Mobile Phone
Reviewed Motorola C138
Motorola have come a long way. I mean long when you consider the days they made the T180 Talkabout which was the most ridiculous phone and the best part is thRead more...
Onida's 29 Oxygen needs better Quality Control
Reviewed Onida KY Oxygen
This is a television highly ranked by the only Audio/Video magazine publishers in India called AV Max but thats just about it. My experience with this TV is nRead more...
Great Performance from this Idiot Box
Reviewed LG RT-29FC80VE
Well it was time for me to relocate to Bombay and Thank God my new flat mates decided to buy a television cause there was absolutely no other means of entertaRead more...
Must Watch Movie
Reviewed Shawshank Redemption
I have watched this movie a number of times and till date its my best movie ever. The main cast is Tim Robins and Morgan Freeman and the story is of how Andy Read more...
New to DVD? This should help.
Reviewed Choosing a DVD Player
This is one of the most confusing things for any buyer who is new to DVD video. Lets get to the basics first. Do you want a DVD player to watch your movies iRead more...
Ultimate Video Machine
Reviewed Philips-DVD 727K
Review for Philips DVD 727K It was time for me to upgrade from my sensitive Philips 570M DVD Player. Sensitive as in this player just can?t handle discs evenRead more...
Orgasm Biking
Reviewed Yezdi Roadking
Review for Yezdi Roadking I own three Yezdis. One a D250 Classic, a Roadking and I recently acquired a 350 TWIN (Jawa Engine). Ill get straight to the Read more...
A Television called SUPERB
Reviewed Philips Eye FI 29 PT 2426
Review for Philips 29PT2426 I needed to migrate to a bigger screen because of my ever growing DVD collection. I have been using a TCL 14 televisiRead more...
Smart TV
Reviewed Philips 21PT240B
I was shopping for a TV and this time it was for my granny in Bangalore. She was using a very old BUSH 20 Inch Television which had finally seen its days. PhiRead more...
Please Improve This Phone
Reviewed Philips Fisio 625
I needed to buy a cell phone as I was using a Motorola Talkabout which was a total wreak and in less than a year of using the phone the battery could not evenRead more...
My Best 21 Inch Television
Reviewed Sony - J21MN1
This was 4 years ago. It was time for my dad to pick a a new television as our exisiting Philips was showing its age of not being able to decode S Band/Hyper Read more...
Average Performer
Reviewed Philip- DVD 570M
I picked up my Philips DVD 570M some 3 years or more ago from a Philips Seconds Sale. The actual price of the player being Rs. 22000; they were selling for RsRead more...
Great Bike
Reviewed Yezdi Deluxe
I use and own two Yezdi motorcycles. One a D250 Classic and the other a Roadking. It is impossible to compare both these bikes as they a diferent in any whichRead more...
The Best Package Ever
Reviewed Sony Ericsson T310
Good Point Leah. Hope this helps. To start,I was theuser of a Philips Fisio 625 for about 4 months from May 2003. During those 4 monthsI had the phone replacRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on gadget_guru's review
Whirlpool have a poor track record for service in India. I can't comment on how they rank in the USA. I don't believe in any of this Demonstration nonsense. I mean seriously; how complicated can a refrigerator be. Besides; when a user manual is provided why bother these so called demonstration dudes Read More...
Rated on gadget_guru's review
Rated on rajasagar's review
Commented on rajasagar's review
Something is not right....I have not had to do this in 6 months of owning this product. The life of the filter is 3000 liters. I don't see any home exceeding this usage in a short span of time; unless there are more than 4 people. I do not know what you are trying to prove by providing a chat his Read More...
Rated on parveen32's review
Commented on parveen32's review
It is next to impossible for an air conditioner to cool down a room to around 22-24 degrees considering our weather conditions. Try a 25-26 degree setting. It is comfortable and won't take a huge toll on electricity consumption.
Rated on rkgupta_43's review
Commented on rkgupta_43's review
There is absolutely no need to run your AC at initial temperatures of 22.24 degrees is all you need to stay comfortable even in the warmest of weather conditions. Videocon Split? Don't think I will ever touch anything from this manufacturer
Rated on vinay9796's review
Commented on vinay9796's review
All the brands you have mentioned make quality products. Buy the one that suits your budget the best. For power consumption figures please refer the specifications chart that is provided on manufacturer website.
Commented on nonanelson's review
Surprising. Nissan should not be behaving like this when they have a winner car like the Micra thats coming soon. I never really drove an X Trail long enough but liked it during the test drive. I guess the flaws crop up later.
Rated on nonanelson's review
Commented on gazulas's review
It is a self service product. You do not need Philips for anything unless the electronics in the unit fails. Installation and maintenance is simple and straight forward
Commented on aeges's review
I fixed the Purifier myself. All you need to do is loan a drill gun & hire a plumber for the tap fitting. Its simple. The product is not in any way complicated to install & use that you need to call Philips.
Commented on uno2406's review
Filter replacement is a slightly easier process in Bangalore. A consumer electronics store near my house stocks the filter so it has been easy for me. I too am facing a water drip issue from the outlet as soon as I stop the flow of water but its not something I need to worry about yet. Its just a Read More...
Rated on uno2406's review
Rated on bombayteddy's review
Rated on sac.khude's review
Commented on sac.khude's review
This is not a place to complain about your oil or just how the service centre treated you.
Rated on gp_selvan's review
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Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Arkay (@RxonlineMouthShut Verified Member)
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Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
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Saroj Kumar Jena (@sarojkumarjena26MouthShut Verified Member)
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nagtibba trek (@nagtibbatrek9MouthShut Verified Member)
Nirali Potdar (@nimipotdar1995MouthShut Verified Member)
Lara (@Lar37250MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vidya Vijaykumar (@vidyakumar14MouthShut Verified Member)
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