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Member Since:Jul 29, 2011
2 MS Points
Soy demasiado bueno en lo que hago
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Receiving Death threats from Bajaj Alliance perso
Reviewed Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
This is to inform you that I have been receiving multiple calls on my cellphone on daily basis from bajaj allianz for over 5 years even though I have requesteRead more...
ARAMEX CHEATED ME, they used my shipment.
Reviewed Aramex
ARAMEX CHEATED  ME, THEY DID NOT DELIVER THE CONSIGNMENT. I request all readers to check the comments and aramexs reply  below after reading my review Read more...
BAD service Mr CEO, we cant trust Letsbuy anymore
Reviewed LetsBuy
I recently purchased fujifilm finepix HS10( on 26th of july around 11pm), I got confirmation call on 27 morning from +9111 40808833, Sweet female voice from tRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on mkramki's review
@kowni53 it is his right to ask for Jatka like you guys insist halal. Go and say the word communal for your people who wants to follow islamic sheriya law in India and not our constitution.
Commented on own review
Commented on ashishjain_15491's review
man your delivery boys stole my shipment and used it for their use, i have mentioned and uploaded enough proof.... first when i did not uploaded pics of damaged shipment, you made up stories. then after i finally uploaded all the picture proof and other things, you ran away with out giving any ans Read More...
Commented on Deepuc19008's review
Mr Percy Avari, please dont run away from the issues, you have not clarified the previous review written by me. and I am sure you will do the same with @vivek_kumar01 , running away with out giving proper reply on who stole the rewardme shipment. please clarify the review http://www.mouthshut.com/re Read More...
@aramex then what the hell are you here for?
@ashishjain_15491 Nothing much can be expected from aramex, just file a complaint in consumer court. I am planing to do the same, as most of rewardme samples are stolen by aramex courier guys as in my case. as of now i am in touch with P&G rewardme department and getting this to their notice, be Read More...
Rated on arundevidas's review
Commented on abhilashmenon23's review
Commented on apj0805's review
Commented on arundevidas's review
hello arundevidas, Writing reviews against aramex wont help much, they give you formal reply and then run away with out resolving problem..... please go through my review on aramex, you will be shocked that those things can happen, and as usual Mr Percy Avari has no clarification to the exact is Read More...
Rated on Vivek_Kumar01's review
Commented on Vivek_Kumar01's review
Mr Percy Avari, please dont run away from the issues, you have not clarified the previous review written by me. and I am sure you will do the same with @Vivek_kumar01 , running away with out giving proper reply on who stole the rewardme shipment. please clarify the review http://www.mouthshut.c Read More...
hello, i had similar experience with aramex, and now they have made up stories for that. please read my review http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Aramex-review-sqnnuusoor
Commented on repazentynsarab's review
I suggest you to go for COD in case you want to buy anything from such sites...
@aramex @percy Avari @mridulksinha @veerzen007 @dintak @downloads I think I will have to upload the photo, so that you wont bluff any more here...... I am talking about recipient's mobile no on the sticker which you tried to remove from package, if it was to be my package it wo Read More...
@Mridulksinha if you have tracking number you can file a case against them in consumer court,
Commented on Nirmala_mpv's review
hi Nirmala, chech my complaint regarding p&g samples.... see how they cheated http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Aramex-review-usnquusoor
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