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Member Since:Dec 03, 2009
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Food and Drinks: Rum and CokeBooks: The Fountain Head
Food and Drinks: Rum and Coke
Books: The Fountain Head
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We need "Moore" people like Micheal Moore
Reviewed Sicko
I think this guy is a true Patriot. Has anyone considered the risk he undertakes to do what he does?  He once stated that on the eve of 9/11 President Bush haRead more...
HH Motors cant handle 21st century biking
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma
Today is my first day on MouthShut . and there I was goofing around minding my own business . when I stumbbled upon a comment by kunal rao in which he was defRead more...
Old Monk
Reviewed Old Monk
This is probably one of the first spirits I ever tasted ..... the Monk and Coke (coca - cola) has stood by my family for a very long long time. so if your wonRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on SHELLEY-LIEGH's review
Hi Everyone, I just read this review and was astonished to know that Dansberg beer is now available in the US, I have been drinking this brand since I was 14 or 15 years old (yeah ... yeah I know what your thinking ... No I did not grow up to become an alcoholic) so its only fair I give you a li Read More...
Commented on own review
Anup ... I think you should go for the Yamaha FZ with your eyes closed, It doesnt get any better than an FZ at the moment .... (The Kawasaki Ninja 250 is also a monster of a bike but Im guessing that 3 Lacs isnt what you or me would pay for a Motorcycle at least not in india where there arent any pr Read More...
The handling is awesome which is what the KZMA is famous for anyway, the thicker tyre gives you a much better sense of stability on steep turns though. Yes the bike does drive true at over 90kmph i have done a max of 135kmph on it and had to stop since I ran out of road.
Rated on akashkhokhar's review
Commented on akashkhokhar's review
too much to read by the time i went through the first 2 paragraphs I was really bored .. sorry I just think you could of made it a little more interesting.
I had to remove the Chain Cover which also makes the bike look really good.
Sunitpanwar .. This ones for you brother If you read the review carefully you will notice that i mentioned the bike HAD everything one could ask for not 'HAVE' as you put it (which is wrong english by the way). I bought the bike in 2005 and in 2008 i felt it deserved a new look and so i modif Read More...
Rated on prateek01's review
Hey sorry ... i didnt mean to diss you in my review, it just makes me sick that we riders have to defend our rides ... while these companies give us the same crap over and over again. The cost of modification was about 17 grand (parts and lobour). thats the nominal rates in Kolkata ... I know the Read More...
Commented on christin.shelly's review
If ever the need arises .. you might want to try an MRF Zapper FS, real good traction in summers, winter and its awesome for the rains too ... I havent skid in 4 years girl ... gve it a shot if ya want.
Rated on karanrao_0023's review
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