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Member Since:May 14, 2013
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ACT wil nvr REACT 2 its Customers. Never Go For I
Reviewed ACT Broadband
It has been four months we have taken a internet connection for our new establishment from ACT by seeing their attractive offers and eye sparking commitments.Read more...
Reviewed Snapdeal
IÂ bought a pen drive from the snapdeal and it got damaged in a span of 30 days; very poor quality of items and now ordered a mobile and the estimated time of Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Thanking you for ADDRESSING the issue after 45 days eagerly waiting and continously calling and writing all these stuff............ and your ADDRESSING has to be done once more as your service got stopped again by yesterday noon........!!!!!..... Thanks alot for doing this kind of ADDRESSING....... Read More...
great work ACT ...........!!! as expected your ASAP didnt come yet ............. inshort the problem with your service is going to complete 50 days........ 2 months of unusefulness .................... i think beggers are pretty good as they are not offering nything and taking whatever we give...... Read More...
Commented on balisavirakb's review
yes dear you are true..............!! am also in the same pathetic hell..........!!! only difference is its at my office and they are making our company to run in loss........!!! really pathetic ........... dont have words to speak about them........!!! you said the correct thing their ASAP means at Read More...
Rated on vidyaordia's review
Commented on vidyaordia's review
CONGRATS...............!!!! you are realy lucky one among the thousands of users........ 'ONE IN THOUSAND'........ see the ratings 70-80% are not satisfied with this service.......... so really you become a lucky draw winner.........!!! i would have given a zero rating if it was allowed..... Read More...
yes i know ur ASAP means morethan 7 days or a month even posting the reply also takes sucha a long time how could you resolve the issue in short time..?........... sorry for the mis take the Registred number is :- 9591989512.......... not expecting much from you dear because when your service person Read More...
ACT ..... thnks for your rsponse yesterday ypur service prof came and do a patch work and internet is working now........ and its only a temp adjustment not going to last for ever.... no response for that 18 days old COMPLAINT....... i will never go for your service if we expand our business and nev Read More...
Commented on rohankapdi00's review
till where i have experienced you are going to get more pathetic experience from ACT than you experienced from AIRTEL.... you wont face any problem till the time you get any problem with the connection or internet........ you can checkout your LUCK and ensure that you never paid any advance payments Read More...
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