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Member Since:Dec 03, 2007
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Review of the Day (1)
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BSNL Dataone India's Favorite
Reviewed BSNL Dataone Broadband Service
I am a regular user of BSNL broadband service for the past 2 years. The broadband service is quite good and once the connection is established properly, it giRead more...
Send Free SMS through out NATION
Reviewed Smslife
Update: The new smslife.in. This site was very useful in sending all type of sms. I used to send sms for the past 6 months and everything was neat and troublRead more...
Bullet Owners, Your next bike is here.
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I am Karthikeyan.** My first bike is an ex-army Enfield Bullet. Previously, I was doing a business of buying ex-army motorcycles, jeeps and restoring it, forRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on mashnash's review
Followed Kweldebs
Rated on Kweldebs's review
Commented on Kweldebs's review
Its not easy to write a (good) review on restaurants. Normally experienced chefs could do the right job. You took the challenge and given us an excellent review...!
Rated on rakeshfeb1981's review
Commented on rakeshfeb1981's review
First I don't understand why these guys giving such reasons. You receive bills on the address and how could they say that connection can't be there? No words to say..
Rated on shalini151's review
Rated on mr.rahulpandey's review
Commented on mr.rahulpandey's review
Good review Rahul. You made a valid point out there... "Connection nearby the telephone exchange, it improves the speed". It really makes sense. But you say that you waited for 8 months to get your connection. It’s quite strange since I got my connection within a week. Also your recommenda Read More...
Rated on bdprasad's review
Rated on radhika_larsen's review
Commented on radhika_larsen's review
Thanks for your review, it helps others to get a picture of bigflix itself....
Rated on madhu41181's review
Commented on madhu41181's review
Infact I thought of getting a membership this week, but after reading your review now I hesitate to do so..Thanks for your information and the detailed review
Commented on bdprasad's review
neat but short review, must have inked more details regarding service and attitude of staffs in Bigflix
Rated on enidhi's review
Rated on ndeepmathur's review
Rated on Dinzaach82's review
Rated on iam2306's review
Commented on iam2306's review
Its good that you had changed your ISP. The nodal officers in Tata never ever respond to grievances . They always put a firewall to stay away from complaining costumers. I had such experience with them. I really don't understand why such reputed company doing such silly things.
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anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
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