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Member Since:Dec 01, 2011
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Do not buy mapmyindia navigator
Reviewed Mapmyindia
I recently bought mapmyindia navigator (paid 18k) in pune. This is utter useless product. It has no right maps, no correct roads, doesnt know "no entry"Read more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on cbgoswami1's review
Boss, I am not against any comPany. What I hate is they do so much marketing, and in actual it's useless Product. I have bought from a dealer, and have faced many issues in last 2 weeks. It's a hoPeless Product. I challenge you to Prove me wrong. If you're ready, mail me at kamat79@gmail.com, we wil Read More...
Commented on own review
Guys, one more thing - tried this device from CitiPride Kothrud to Big Bazaar. It doesn't know the roads. Secondly, it doesn't have Wakad on it's maP. Getting frustrated day by day.
Rated on pradeep_mvk's review
Commented on pradeep_mvk's review
i think you don't know what a GPS is. :-)
Rated on harish_gondavale's review
Commented on harish_gondavale's review
don't buy this. it's not worth
Commented on rajesdmet's review
this is uselss product..
Rated on rajesdmet's review
Rated on shiva338's review
Commented on shiva338's review
this is uselss product, don't buy
Commented on anoop_aggarwal's review
agree, this is useless product
Rated on anoop_aggarwal's review
Rated on mishra.aravind's review
Commented on mishra.aravind's review
useless product, waster of money
Rated on jphonest2000's review
Commented on jphonest2000's review
i agree. this is waste of money.
Rated on DeepakDelhi's review
Commented on DeepakDelhi's review
I agree with this post. I have used in pune, this is a waste product.
Rated on cbgoswami1's review
You must be a sales manager of mapmyindia, who can give such details of product. It's a useless, waste of money. I have bought and have experienced.
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