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Member Since:Oct 03, 2004
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Education: B.E (Hons)
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Taking on more than what they can chew
Reviewed ICICI Bank
I have a bank account with them since 1997 and I do not have any problem in this regard. In fact I will rate their internet banking as the best. I have been Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on ehpravi's review
ICICI bank is best for customers who are conversant with e transactions and who constantly maintain a good avg balance. Their services online are really good. The problem is only when you have a human intervention.
Commented on santulan's review
I do not agree with what the reviewer has said. It is for the customer to ask and obtain all the rules pertaining to SB account operation before opening. This happens when we sign on dottde lines on the forms filled by tehir DMA's who know nothing about these things. Moreover many new gen banks hav Read More...
Commented on hellobalaji's review
Never give multiple request for the same service with thsi bank. Since nobody knows what is happening in the system You wll receive as many but after a time delay.
Rated on prk_mids's review
Rated on Aviendha's review
Rated on rampl's review
Commented on rampl's review
Do not have too many cards-that itself is a headache and beware all credit card companies are equally unscrupulous but ICICI is the leader
Rated on vittalkumar's review
Rated on getvimal's review
Commented on getvimal's review
I am not interested in laptops and henec this review does not make any diff to me
Commented on kalpeshss's review
system/servers do have their problems and when you are online do not repeat financial transactions. wait or do it soem other time. Never repeat transaction at one go. This is a fundamental rule one ha sto follow
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