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Member Since:Dec 07, 2002
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Education: HAVO
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Great Expectations, and how to not-quite meet the
Reviewed Nokia 6230
Nokia has always been a brand that appealed a lot to me. Innovative, yet intuitive. Functional, yet elegant. In many aspects the 6230 is living up to these exRead more...
In the wake of Gmail's shockwave... new sizes
Reviewed Tips on Choosing a Email Service Provider
Something was brewing in Email Land. The more.. sensitive users could feel it coming. Hotmail and Yahoo had been decreasing mailbox size slowly over the yearsRead more...
A good old classic...
Reviewed Nestle KitKat
As I saw that nobody has written a review of Nestles KitKat I decided that this high-responsibility job had to be done by someone. Might just as well beRead more...
Freedom's just a click away!
Reviewed Philips FreeSpeech
Going through my local computer stores Software section, looking for a decent Voice Recognition Program I came across Philips FreeSpeech. Being Dutch myRead more...
Opera 7, browsing on the soundbarrier
Reviewed Opera
After reading reviews of previous versions here I can only say that Opera has come a long way with their Version 7. Some of the cool Read more...
MS-Dos... friend or foe?
Reviewed MS DOS - All Versions
A sad story...
Reviewed Trend PC-cillin
Hey there. This is my 2nd review here, so dont be too harsh on me in the comments :-P. I came here today to tell you a little story about a 16-year oldRead more...
Fun and Friendship... with a dark side
Reviewed Neopets
Neopets.com. What to say about Neopets.com? Ive been there for a while, and its a great site for children. Its a fun place where you can plaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on chand_tare's review
Rated on Maharaja_Of_Punjab's review
Commented on Maharaja_Of_Punjab's review
Hi Maharaja of Punjab, Overall it's an OK review, you clearly describe what the product is, and what you like about it and what not. However, it was a bit difficult to read.. not in the first place because of the spelling mistakes, but the deliberate mis-writings of words.. you = u, for = 4, to = Read More...
Rated on capndon's review
Commented on capndon's review
GRC is actually one of the more useful security-oriented sites on the internet. Lemme pick apart your 'review', if one can call it that: 1. You mention Shields Up. Did you actually bother to check out what ShieldsUp is? ShieldsUp is a service that scans the ports on your computer to see if they a Read More...
Rated on abdriver2000's review
Commented on adarsh_kr's review
I'd have to disagree with your statement about voice recognition software being still 'Lab Only'. I am using Philips Freespeech (see my review), and it actually works very well. I did find out that a lot depends on the microphone used, and the audio quality of your environment. When there's a bit Read More...
Commented on zeeble's review
This review is not very useful for me. It would have been better if you had made a more point-to-point comparison, with advantages of Free/Paid (which you list in Cons/Pros). When people wanted to read about either Fastmail or Hotmail they would have read the reviews from those services, I think. Read More...
Rated on zeeble's review
Commented on arunroy's review
There is a very good purpose for forward-services. Have you ever needed to switch email addresses (for example, because the provider went belly-up, switched to a for fee system, or other reaons) ? If so, you probably had to inform all your contacts about your switch of address. Very inconvenient. Ha Read More...
Commented on pookie's review
Runbox is right, it's not very nice of you to hammer their servers every minute. You should consider using IMAP instead (the alternative to POP3), it has 'IDLE', which most emailclients support. It gives you INSTANT notification (not even a 1-minute delay), and is recommended by Runbox and all other Read More...
Rated on siv200's review
Commented on down_to_earth's review
Fastmail offers POP3 only to Paid users because it's trying to discourage it's use. IMAP is a far superior protocol, which can do anything POP can (assuming you've got a well-programmed client, which most are by now). IMAP access is offered to all accounts. Oh, regarding the review: Great in-dept Read More...
Rated on achougoo's review
Rated on mathew's review
Rated on pete's review
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