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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Sep 25, 2007
6 MS Points
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IndusInd Bank net Banking
Reviewed IndusInd Bank
Since my prior review in 2016, they have come up a decent way. I wont say they have come up a long way coz they still have lot of room to improve their Read more...
Best public sector Bank
Reviewed State Bank Of Travancore
I own two separate accounts. One in Chennai K.K.Nagar and the other in Bangalore. Their customer service has been excellent.one good thing is there wontRead more...
Great Products, OK Service
Reviewed Housefull
I bought the Steel cot in 2013, its been more than 5 years since the date of purchase and it is rock solid. Bought this from Housefull Marathahalli outRead more...
Fraudulent ads - Dont buy anything
Reviewed Tradus
They post fraudulent advertisements, Tradus doesnt check the authenticity of the seller. Once product is sold, we cannot reach Tradus but the seller diRead more...
Great Service
Reviewed Bharat Gas
I booked a new connection recently. For single gas connection the total cost is Rs.6700 while if you opt for two gases then you need to shell out Rs.9600. EveRead more...
A great product
Reviewed Samsung J700
I have been using the phone since march 2009, the sound quality, battery and reception is fantastic. features may be a bit annoying initially(not easy like nRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed IndusIndBank
Followed pallavidevpriya
Rated on royanto974's review
Rated on sanjaykaul2004's review
Commented on pandians1234's review
I was about to go for a reliance wipod or wifi. Thanks for the review. you saved me from possible headache as I need the connection for my official use. I'll go for ACT now..Reliance can change their name to 'Don't ever rely on us'
Commented on karthick588's review
but how is the connectivity ?
I bought LG LED tv model LB563B from Flipkart in Oct 2014.Product is excellent. picks up USB drive within seconds. plays almost every format. Display is great. Sound 3/5, you cannot expect a great output from a mid range LED tv but its good compared to other LEDs. One must have a stab Read more...
Commented on own review
Thanks Anees Shaikh. My post was made in 2013..The issue got resolved after several follow ups in 2013..having said that, the product is good and still working fine.
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