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Member Since:Sep 03, 2002
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: MCSD
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ALERT : Digital Power Saver is a scam
Reviewed General Tips on Television Commercials
=Today I was watching a channel which was advertising a product from TeleCare India. It was called Digital Power Saver. They were claiming that this product cRead more...
Nice Camera Work and That's All
Reviewed Kaante
Kaante is coming...Kaante is This..Kaante will do that.. i watched this movie because it created a lot of hype and I was impressed with the camera work and mRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on kgvdoss's review
is this a review or a Publicity Stunt? you are repeating O-General in every sentence..who are you, O-General is not actual product of General Electronics, its a Chinese fake product.
Rated on gseeku's review
Commented on gseeku's review
i dont believe that you actaly watched the movie, i cant imagine a human being with such bad taste
Commented on ajoynice's review
hey, from when msn messenger became paid? i am using it for more than some years and i never recieved any BILL yet :) plz update your knowledge man..........................
Rated on imran's review
Rated on craghothama's review
Commented on siyao's review
you can see it here http://www.doo--yoo.co.uk/computers/applications/incredimail/ please extract dashes from the above url..i cant write doo-yoo without slashes accroding to MS rules
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Rated on Pooja's review
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