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andhra pradesh
Member Since:Dec 27, 2003
0 MS Points
. i LOVE Music ., Love browsin thru the net., this site bein one of my favs.,
About Me
Education: engineering degree
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GARAM MASALA.., oooh.., SPICY !!!
Reviewed Garam Masala
Of course its gonna b spicy n hottt ! Which Hindi movie nowadays isn’t ??? I wanted to see this movie for 3 reasons., First., vacations have started.., I HADRead more...
The Lord of All Movies !! Seriously !
Reviewed The Lord Of The Rings Movie
Oh ! My ! God ! This movie ., I.., I really don’t hav any words to put across my appreciation or admiration for this movie. Truly this is a once is a lifetimeRead more...
Who are the real survivors ???
Reviewed Poseidon
POSEIDON, a remake or I must say a badly revemped version of the 1972 hit adventure movieThe Poseidon Adventure is the latest movie Ive watcRead more...
F2., My Bike for life..,
Reviewed TVS Suzuki Fiero F2
To me..,Gettin my own bike was like a dream come true .,and wat better choice than the Fiero F2., the restyled polished version of the TVS Suzuki Fiero. AlthoRead more...
SIFY BB., a Slap on the faces of poor customers.,
Reviewed Sify Broadband Internet Connection
The last time I sat down to write my review about SIFY BROADBAND ., my thoughts were just filled with all the foul words I know and didnt know. Now thisRead more...
Definetely worth a watch..,
Reviewed Naa Oopiri
Naa Oopiri ., a movie that went unnoticed probably because of the lack of the big starcast in it. Me not being a movie buff.,would also have gien Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on kanna_kasturi's review
Commented on mariner2's review
That was an awesome article.. much better than those guys hinting to join any of the programs or clinics...
Rated on mariner2's review
Commented on trammway's review
Did it cost 17000 Rs in India !!!??? I heard that it was 23K at the Canon dealers. It's really hard to decide to buy it at 23K at dealers or for around 17K on Ebay. :(
Rated on panmg's review
Commented on gsns's review
I was lookin 4 a good color phone with polyphonic n gprs., n i think this is the best i cud find., with the looks that'd make it look like a high end phone. Yeah., the missing FM radio is bad., but still its a good buy. Good review :)
Commented on titanjaw's review
I liked the way u started the review mentionin the fantasy., yup., this movie is loooooaded with it. I haven't read the book yet., ppl who hav, told me that its better than the movie ! anyways., nice review here. Simple n to the point .
Commented on lallupanju's review
Wat i see here is moer of a review of john abraham in the movie than the movie,. that too by a JA fan. frankly speakin., the movie as a whole was good., but nana's role was very monotonous.,john cud have showed a lot more emotion., he was like this good lookin model only., not an actor.
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