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Member Since:Jul 31, 2018
50 MS Points
I love Movies as well as my education. I'm a student and looking forward to get a job.
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Good for film maker
Reviewed Panasonic Professional AGAC160AEN AVCCAM Camcorder Camera
This product is very good especially for beginners but still you need to know the basic things about it because it kind of confusing of the buttons around theRead more...
Best Camera for beginners
Reviewed Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ200
This camera is so fantastic, the zooming power is outstanding which is way more cooler than Canon products because this product which is a panasonic is very cRead more...
Its a good product
Reviewed HP 15-bg007AU 15.6-inch Laptop
At first when I bought I didn't know much how to operate this laptop but then after 3 months I understand everything about it but still its not the best bRead more...
The Best in the Franchise
Reviewed Halloween
I am a huge fan of John Carpenter, all his movies are awesome ( majority) and This film is one of my favorite since its original & I found out that from HalloRead more...
One of the best!
Reviewed Fmovie.Cc
This movie site is one of the best movies site out there & I really appreciate that but I kinda feel bored about it sometimes because its always high deRead more...
Good Movie but I'm not impressed
Reviewed Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
This film is fantastic I love the action, adventure as well as the sci-fi story. The Visual Effects is smooth and realistic. The appearance of Rihana also madRead more...
Best Editing software outThere
Reviewed Adobe Premiere Pro CC
This software is very good when compare to any other editing software it has the potential to edit both VFX ( small part but great) and Merging videos /transiRead more...
Best Asian Action Movie of 2011
Reviewed The Raid Redemption
Wow I praise the Director hes the best #G.EvansRock Also he wrote the story, Edited as well. Australian Director has take another step with many fight Read more...
Great Anti-Virus but not much satisfaction
Reviewed Kaspersky Antivirus
At first after I bought online this product I doubt, but then after I install it in my Pc I found out that it really help my pc by protecting against many thrRead more...
Most Anticipated movie of Marvel
Reviewed Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers Infinity wars is so great that for the first time I went to theater to experience the best film in 10 years(i never went before).This film has EmotioRead more...
Best pen drive product
Reviewed SanDisk Pen Drives
I bought it in October 2015 online ( 32Gb) and still functioning till these days I did not know that it can last long pretty well. This product is the cheapesRead more...
I love this Animation
Reviewed Incredibles 2
Disney Pixar has done it again, this movie is so great that it has comedy, family, action and adventure which is what I enjoy the most and recently it has earRead more...
Not that great
Reviewed Pacific Rim Uprising (3D)
When I first saw Pacific Rim(2013) it was fun to watch and yes it was well received by the critics too. But after I saw this 2018 Sequel I like the action butRead more...
Its totally unbelievable
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 2
This products is from China, though it was marketing in India from 2014 onwards in which it became the best selling smartphone company Xiaomi in IRead more...
Rambo is super serious...
Reviewed Rambo
Sylvester Stallone has done a good job since the First Blood till 2008 fourth installment in the series and maybe the last. I missed the action and the story Read more...
It's good
Reviewed Canon 1300D DSLR Camera Body with Dual Lens
This DSLR is very good at its own price I love it, for those who want to shoot video or shooting picture then 1300D is for you but if you want to filming thenRead more...
Love the product!
Reviewed Toshiba Canvio Simple 3 O 500 Gb External Hard Drive
I bought 2 years ago and it still functioning pretty well it processing in a fast way when it comes to uploading to PC ( copying or cutting/moving) it has no Read more...
AntMan Sequel is great!
Reviewed Ant-Man and the Wasp
After I saw AntMan 2015 its no surprise though the only thing I love it is that Sam aka Falcon make a cameo and yes in the end credits scenes Cap found Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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