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Member Since:Mar 16, 2006
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Far East Tour with Heena Travels
Reviewed Heena Tours and Travels - Mumbai
I went to far east tour (Singapore, malaysia and thailand - 9 days) through Heena travels. The heena staff called me a day before depature saying that you woRead more...
Indigo Diesel LS - Review
Reviewed Tata Indigo - Diesel
I bought new Indigo LS diesel and having been driving it for past 8 months. Here are few issues with the car: Often Rear doors dont close (if it is shut lighRead more...
Very BAD Experience with RAJ TRAVELS AND TOURS...
Reviewed Raj Travels and Tours - Mumbai
I had booked “Exotic Far East” tour dated 5th Dec 2005. Due to medical emergency at home I had to cancel my trip. I had informed RAJ TRAVELS aboutRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on sanj_sal's review
Commented on sanj_sal's review
You can go on this website http://www.icrpc.org/ They will help you file a complaint against them in consumer court.
Commented on Mahagony786's review
Check this website: http://www.icrpc.org/icrpc.org.beware.htm RAJ TRAVELS IS LISTED ON IT AND PEOPLE ARE ADVISED NOT TO USE THIER SERVICES.......
No use of writing letters to company they will go in dustbin. If you are not happy take action in consumer court and 'TALK HARD' only then these guys understand.
You should 'TALK TOUGH' with these guys. Go to consumer court (or http://www.icrpc.org) and send RAJ Travels a legal notice asking for compensation. Write to newspaper or television shows about ur complains so that other dont make the same mistake. I also have first hand experience with dealing Read More...
Commented on rsaini's review
Raj travels will continue to take people for ride via attractive advertisements. Giving them feedback or suggestions is not going to help, you must take legal action. Go to the following website and send them legal notice asking for compensation : http://www.icrpc.org/ Apart from this what can Read More...
Commented on KANIKASOOD492703's review
Kanika, I can imagine your frustration with Raj Travels for provind 'below standard' service in the Europe tour. All I can say is you can take action against the tour operator if you think they have cheated you. To start with you need to do the following: Go to the following url and lodge Read More...
Followed KANIKASOOD492703
Rated on KANIKASOOD492703's review
Commented on simpletun's review
The RAJ travel Pune office manager acts as if she is the most BUSY person on the earth. They will talk to u good till the point u write a cheque to them. Once payment is done ur treated like shit. The best way to teach them a lesson is to avoid going to them for tours. In today's open economy the Read More...
Commented on sandy_c80's review
Sandy, If you are not happy with the service you should file a case against RAJ travels in consumer court..after all you have fully paid for the trip and it is right to command the appropriate level of service. You can file a case by becoming a member of ICRPC (www.icrpc.org) for 200/- Rs. Read More...
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