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Member Since:Feb 16, 2002
0 MS Points
check out my photoalbum http://in.photos.yahoo.com/kish77. everythin under the Sun and behind it 2.
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Education: College
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Swadesh- What a Bore!
Reviewed Swades
Swades is going to be the biggest flop of SRK in the last 10 years, take it from me.. 3hrs and 20 mins..thats what they say cozI sat only for 2 hours of the pRead more...
Reviewed Sssshhh
Sssshhhhh..... Dont make a noise or else you may wake up the people in the audience! Why is it that most of the hindi movies which try to go in for the so calRead more...
Party Goa-Come n njoy the 'hapiness of life'
Reviewed Goa
Review : I come here to njoy the Hapiness of life...tats wot an Isereli friend I made 5 years back told me.He was reffering to Goa n why he spendsRead more...
Rajesh Khanna meets Shahrukh Khan
Reviewed Kal Ho Naa Ho
Yes ,it can be said that Rajesh Khannas avtaar in the 21st century being SRK. Or one can also say Anand of the 70s meets Kal Ho Na Ho of today. Karan JoRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Followed saakshi
Commented on keri's review
hi keri, which branch of talwalkars have u written about, i guess each 1 is different and i suppose u have to mention the branch... Kish
Rated on j_jayashri's review
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Rated on madlalya's review
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hi tnx 4 ur replies, pl dnt ask me hw i saw the movie..sm benefits of being in the industry.
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