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Tamil nadu
Member Since:May 19, 2004
0 MS Points
Am just a freebird, trying to live, the life that according to me, is the purpose of my being born here. I love children, and i just love to read. Hey....look ta my pic, you'll know i love the beach too... Well, I am a weaver..I love to weave interesting coulourful and bright stories, with yarns of tales and words that for buttons, and special patches of phrases and quotes for that Dramatism! But no compromises on quality, except when it comes to my typos :p
About Me
Education: Graduate
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TATA Indicom... tata bye bye -- Hard 2 say G'Bye?
Reviewed Choosing a Wireless ISP
Hey all, As of now, I am currently connectedwith TATA Indicoms wireless Internet service they provide through their FWT telephones in the WLL category.Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on jbn007's review
Well, i dunno about the performance features when today the 150 cc and 180 cc have kinda become standard norms. Yet, anything from YAMAHA is always good... okies...not delving into the bad patch beween the demise of RX 100 and FAZER... hmm...yet to get my hands on one... Lets see...
Commented on own review
Hey all... Dankes for thy continued support. will keep you posted on my TATA Adventure... though i belive it's soon reaching it's climax! Love.. me
Commented on rosea's review
Dearie... Have the Faith in Him like you always do, and there's nothing one can't do! b.t.w, know anything about sero-negative arthritis? My closest pal has it, poor guy's suffering. And hey...rose... My Dad runs an Ayurvedic Pharma Co. And i Belive he does have some medicines for Arthriti Read More...
Commented on qaz1's review
Hey..Lovely review!!! btw, please check out my review of the TATA Indicom wireless service again. There's an addendum to it. Wouldn't be justice to TATA Indicome if I didn't ask you to. Keep Reading...and reviewing!!! Way 2 go... 'And miles to go before you sleep (with a book folded in your Read More...
Hey All, IN finality, I would like to say, that if you have the patience, and the time / effort for Numerous Hoarse calls to Customer Care, and a lot of Luck, TATA Indicom, might be the best thing for you. Else, STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Followed rosea , Cousin2 , adventure
Rated on adventure's review
Followed Viva-cious
Commented on keerti_007's review
Hey keerti Very True! how very true! Thans an Ad thats caught everyon's fancy!!! Afterall, an ad, has an objective of trying to make a place in the customer's mind, a lasting impression. and This Ad certainly does that! Full points to the Rediffusion team, from me too. Another Ad that portrays th Read More...
Thanks Kalil. Sorry for them typos, thats my state-of-mind. Dunno when the connection will die again syndrome :P
Commented on coolnfundu's review
Hey Buddy, Cannot agree with you that It wasn one hilarious movie. But hey, It was enlightening too! For one, i've changed my decision to buy a Scorpio, and have opted for a Cycle Rickshaw, complete with power steering and 6 CD changes, and Tubeless Radials. Besides, I now know Birthdays of Mom's ar Read More...
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