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Member Since:Aug 30, 2009
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A fast way to unfreshen yourself!
Reviewed Reliance Fresh - Mumbai
As soon as you enter Reliance fresh store, you will realise that staff is there to help you serve THEM! They show zero interest in helping you with anything tRead more...
Palm beach resort manori - very very sad
Reviewed Choosing the Best Hotel
Pls don’t bother with palm beach resort. It ‘WAS’ a good joint once upon a time. Now, it’s become seedy. Try going there in the night. Wallah…you can lay betsRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Miai's review
Sorry but I have had worst experience. Forget about sad offers. They are not a patch on the other food shoppes around. But the staff is super sad. Demotivated. They dont care what you buy from them, they just wish to be left alone. Have you ever tried to look for their website? dont. You will soon r Read More...
Rated on abevada's review
Rated on saurabh7777's review
Rated on rahul_jour's review
Commented on binooplal's review
very useful comment. Tells me about the though process of the planners at M&M, shows that they aren't doing a lot of planning and aren't looking at customer delight. Thanks for the update.
Commented on cuceco's review
Prasad, thats a pretty weird comment to make...pls make sense or dont put anything as if someone has put a gun to your head..
Commented on vsk1984's review
this is a first...truely...ok I know abt the cramped 2 row, absolutely unsittable. and that the cabin space is more sideways than in front..so in effect a swift is more comfortable to sit in than this...but tech issues I haven't heard..
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Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
D J (@djugranMouthShut Verified Member)
Arvind Gupta (@Arvind1961MouthShut Verified Member)
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Arun Talukdar (@aruntalukdarMouthShut Verified Member)
Sara (@sarruu0332MouthShut Verified Member)
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KamalHindujaAuthor (@KamalHindujaAuthorMouthShut Verified Member)
Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
Deepak Maan (@deepakmaanMouthShut Verified Member)
Sumit Rai (@sumitrai079MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 51