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baden wrrtemberg
Member Since:Sep 20, 2005
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Education: M.S
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Action, action n more action
Reviewed Transporter 2
Transporter 2 is a sequel to the action Transporter. Now I havent seen the original, so I cant compare it with the sequel. Getting down to the stoRead more...
Munich and Dachau
Reviewed Munich
For those of you, whove read my earlier review on Germany, thered be some repetitions(with respect to Munich). I didnt wanna skip anything aRead more...
Black forest
Reviewed Germany - General
Black forest shows Germany at its greenest. its got tall pine and coniferous trees, and is like a fairy tale land. there are numerous lakes, up on the hRead more...
My favorite site for cricket
Reviewed ESPNcricinfo
Ive been away from India, the past three years and Ive had to content myself with just following the scores. I missed reading the interesting artiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Well Matrix is a sort of Sci-Fi, so it shouldn't be compared with this..tht's wht I feel atleast
Commented on RevMax's review
Donno if I'll ever come to Pune , btu if Do i'll definitely viisti BK...the burgers in Germany taste worse than those in India..looking fwd to the juicy burgers u described...Yummy!!!
Rated on RevMax's review
Commented on the_final_verdict's review
A nice review..most of my Favs are there in it, but cudn't u put in Allan/Glen/Courntey/Curtly instead of wasim(sorry Wasim fans)...the lineup's gr8...somehow it'd have been nice to see Mark Waugh n' Andre Flintoff pushed into the team..though I can't c who cud b left out... Keep writing stuff like Read More...
Rated on the_final_verdict's review
Haan I 4got to write abt the car...it was like a full fledged Ad for Audi A8(though I liked it; Audi A8 is a great car).
Lyla and Jodi, it's nice that you liked the review.Berlin is on my agenda Jodi.I read a book called ' The fall of Berlin' and that has accenuated my interest in the grand city.
Rated on indian1969's review
Rated on swaminarayan's review
Commented on swaminarayan's review
As rivetting a review as it was long. I've never read so long an article about football, with so much interest. u complemented the match quite nicely with ur personal emotions. way to go.... keep writing...
Commented on indian1969's review
Allan Border was indeed a great captain.I think he made up for what he lacked in the tactical department with his leadership qualities and aggression. Never been a big fan of his as a batsman.. I like the touch and go batsman like Mark Waugh, but I guess he made up for it with his grit and sheer Read More...
Good review! You've started off quite well and carried teh pace allthrough..But I dont like SG..I think he doesn't know even the A, B, Cs of team spirit.A very aggressive captain, but I think hez lackin in many other aspects like team spirit and tactical captaincy.
Ya Mayank, and I'd see it too.The Guy is the movie's USP. i guess they can safely make 5 or 6 sequels and I'd see each 1 of them.
Commented on burningdesire's review
exactly my take on the movie..I never saw the movie and the clippings that I saw justified my stand.
Rated on burningdesire's review
thanks for taking the time to post your comments Rajesh and Sonika...And do visit Munich..its worth it!!
Rated on starwriter_'s review
Rated on sachien's review
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