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Member Since:Jan 04, 2006
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Education: medical doctor
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Mathen's estilo!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen Estilo
I sold my cute Little m800 mpfi 5 speed, for this cute thing! I will simply put it as child born out of marriage b/w Toyota innova & daewoo matiz! LoRead more...
Mathen's ipod touch!
Reviewed Apple iPod touch
I always had a taste for music, so preferred to buymusic heavy mobile phones!But none could satisfy me, fully.So I finally decided to settle for sRead more...
Rewiew on w580i ( read last para b4 u buy -update
Reviewed Sony Ericsson w580i
I sold my w830i for this w580i, by paying 1000 rs more! Price is now 13000+(w830i is still 15000+!) Reasons for my shift(TURNED OUT TO BE A VERY STUPID MOVEÂ Read more...
Mathen's view point
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W850i
So to start with, this is my 3rd walkman phone.w800-> w810i-> & now w830i(yes, i post it under w850i, bcoz if you browse google u wont c much under w830i, sRead more...
W 800i killer? never!(but w800i--no more!!!)
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W810i
Hi,me again since being had great time ,both good and bad..with my w800i,i thought I will write this..first of all the features are exactly the same as w800i.Read more...
Not that good!
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W800i
Man,i bought it with a throbbing heart....the packing was so cool...my money well spent{>20,000 bucks....!},,,,,i thought....when the brand new phone came Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
hi,ipod touch legally avilable allover india,buddy u r talking abt iphone!!
Rated on dumbu's review
Commented on charu_agarwal's review
Hi, I am impressed with your review, i thought girls never had a 'taste' for gadgets........any way you proved i am wrong... Abt the phone , i always used highend sonyericsson & nokia phones, i bought samsungs as my second phone!For me main purpose of phone ,was MUSIC!! But my experiences have prov Read More...
Tnx aseeda,i already had it(w810i) & have written a review on the same(somewhere)!! But ,now i have NOKIA! n73 ME ,perfect phone,had never ever a single problem,even though 'she' runs on symbian!
Rated on IND78's review
Commented on IND78's review
list price is 17700! for 8 gb,it seems you got it from grey market! also,its screen is scratch proof( medical grade glass)
Commented on nilesh.raghuvanshi's review
i was all set to try one,after discarding my w830i!! one thing i came to know after reading several reviews ,all are saying about a slow speed!(which spoils thrill of music) so now i started loving my w830 again!(all my concern is for' music ',that ROCKS!,which is done well by w830i
Rated on anshulankush's review
Commented on sirarjun's review
its just 16000,now..gona get one for my w810i left ear phone cord is longer,bcoz u hav to take it though back of ur neck.....(NOT to keep ur phone in left pocket,haha)
Rated on vivek.renganathan's review
Rated on amuthanr's review
Commented on amuthanr's review
c ,now the price has come down to 16000W830i...which lacks 3g ..compared to w850i) also ,w830i is a music phhone with a single speaker ,unlike w 550i,unlike w 550i which had 2 stereo speakers also,its NOT for imaging....if u want that go 4 k790i...with almost similar pricing I hav 810i with AF,bu Read More...
Commented on chinada's review
Hi, I seems that you got a bad piece! I have been using this phone since its Launch!Hav got excellent Batteryife,no problems ever with my organizer....dont know abt clock problem ,since i dont switch of my phone at night!!!!U may better contact service centre!
Commented on i_am_britneyspears's review
no fm !!!!!!! u must b jocking,... err..but I dont know what up with the phone avilable in america....any way am hardcore fan of my w810i..good luck
Commented on memyself_38's review
hi, nice review... it seems that,u should take 'ur 'beauty to a service center......i had exactly same probs while connecting my w800i,i got a new phone in exchange and it was perfect...thank god, my w810i seems to hav no such probs.... what u said abt usb speed,absolutely correct,sony must be ru Read More...
Commented on sivaca's review
Hi,i too had terrible times with w800i,BUT w810i seems to have got fixed all those probs w800i had,excellent phone...it seems that you have posted your review in wrong section..BUT you and your friend said ,seems to a regional problem,i had 2 or 3 probs with my w800i,i got good service(at cochin)... Read More...
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