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Member Since:Aug 28, 2004
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Illegal website
Reviewed Xbhp
A website with a bunch of mal-informed wannabe kids whiling their time posting crap and talking big, displaying baseless sources and a clear lack of any mobikRead more...
Terrible magazine
Reviewed Overdrive Cars & Motors Magazine
Simply put, Overdrive is outclassed and one finds little to waste words on it for. Here instead is what I have to say on its rival, Autocar India- the best InRead more...
Auto Bible
Reviewed Autocar India
Simply put, the best Indian mag. money can buy on cars and bikes. Lucky for Autocar India they face no real competition with no. 2 on the list ?Overdrive? spRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on whistleblower29's review
Commented on own review
Yes sachinontop. Thats exactly what I mean. If you say anything against the forum bosses like yourself may be, we meet this sort of roughing up. Instead why not give your reasons for saying its a nice site. I have given u my reasons. Explain them, reply to them.... get real....grow up.... behave ci Read More...
Commented on anish_calcutta's review
You are right. Overdrive sucks and fades into the distance when compared to the magazine king in inida---autocar india
Commented on vizagguy's review
Hey Vizacman, You are obviously mixing Overdrve for autocar which is the mag that did kashmir to kanyakumari. Overdrive is the crap mag, if you find this good you will orgasm on autocar india
Rated on kuber's review
Commented on jaipatelsk's review
as a subscriber of Overdrive from Feb 99, I am extremely dissatisfied on the columns of Overdrive, especially now days & I have written to Adil regarding this. When Overdrive started, they were extremely good and the reviews were excellent and were true. When Santro and Matiz was introduced, th Read More...
Rated on jaipatelsk's review
Rated on vizagguy's review
Commented on hariharanathan's review
Commented on abis's review
Rated on aarganesh's review
Dear Sir, our review is in the wrong place. there is an entire section devoted to the fraudulent ways of Overdrive magazine and it belongs there.
Your observations about Overdrive are classic and just one more case of how all readers are not as dumb as teenaged impressionable minds. Overdrive seem to be biased, not only to Tata(who have sold them of late) but also more so to Bajaj who they seem to adore. I believe it is due to the fact that D Read More...
Rated on snake-i's review
Rated on relish's review
Rated on bikeexpert's review
Commented on bikeexpert's review
Nameless expert, your observations unfortunately find place on the site, but are regretfully untrue. A hallowed name like Autocar India has carried a story on VTi and endorses the technology with plenty reason and facts in black and white. Go read that and get real, rather than applying your inexpe Read More...
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