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Member Since:Nov 21, 2004
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To be Frank Is My Way. Automobiles,latest advancement in the fields,automobile magazines,reviews
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Education: Btech
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Compact and Smart
Reviewed Nokia 6230
I was using Nokia 7270. It was a kool phone with a very good display, handy keypads, and enough style. But my way of handling started spoiling it. keeping Read more...
Stylish..... 4 sure
Reviewed Nokia 7270
I got 7270 as a gift from my uncle.. I was not at all comfortable with the idea of having a a foldable handset , solely because of my T-Shirt+jean dress codeRead more...
My Girl
Reviewed Fiat Palio Sport
Getting consent from my parents to buy palio was just like forcing them to accept an orphan daughter in law. I really had a hard time convincing them. My afRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on carbideman's review
Rated on ssudhans's review
Commented on anish_calcutta's review
hi, Nice effort to convey some information. But it looks EXACTLy similar to Autocar review about Maruthi Gypsy. Sree
Rated on clevermax's review
Commented on clevermax's review
hi, Article is nice.. but confusing. were u telling about petrol/diesel version. I would ask u to test drive Fial petra (petrol/diesel) to feel the refinement levels indica/indigo is ofcourse value for money. no offence sree
Commented on sondurmadan's review
hi madan, Supplying cold air with the help of a perforated flask seems to be some what innovative... cold air is ofcourse denser and provides more oxygen thus making the combustion process efficient. then abut the cold air induction from AC. are u sure that supplying air from AC duct will in Read More...
Commented on Arnab_Banerji's review
hi, one small doubt. i ws told by several mechanics tat a turbocharger is for diesel engines and supercharger is for petrol. as Scoda RS ws released, they claimed it to be the first turbopetrol. So hw can a turbo work on a small petrol like M800? Is the 'turbo' u installed is 'Surbo'- a fan lik Read More...
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