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Member Since:Feb 28, 2004
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I worked at Dorney Park for four years
Reviewed Are the Rides Safe for Elderly People
I worked at Doney Park for four years and got to know the safety rule for riding rides because I operated many thriller rides. As long as read the guidelines Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on abababbey's review
Commented on abababbey's review
I live in the state of Pennsylvania, anyway there was this one time I ordered a Pizza and the crust was still doughy! I called them and complained and they sent me out a well cooked one for free. All in all I think Pizza Hut Pizza stinks now. It was better back in the day
Commented on Donnie013's review
I love Subway sandwiches because they are low in fat and not bad for you, and you can choose the bread you want the meats and the kind of cheese you want and they make it in front of you with gloves on:) You can see every move they make with your food which is a big plus in my book
Rated on HawgWyld's review
Commented on HawgWyld's review
McDonald's for the past couple of years now upsets my stomach so if I go there with my husband I order a salad because that's the only healthy choice and something that doesn't upset my stomach. i believe all the food there is crap. i used to like mcdonald's has a kid but now that ii'm 25 all it doe Read More...
Rated on HellsKitten's review
Commented on HellsKitten's review
Taco Bell is good food, but most of the time it's cold or the lettuce is brown and sometimes I wonder if I'm actually eating beef or something else and this food has given a few bad stomach aches!
I love Arby's regular roast beef sandwiches and their curley fries:)
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Rated on truth's review
Followed zenx
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Rated on BNLahiri's review
Commented on Renazzle_Dazzle's review
All MTV has on it now is junk there's nothing good on anymore and I think the Osbourne Show is the worst show ever put on the air. They need to take this show off the air!
Rated on Renazzle_Dazzle's review
Commented on Mavis's review
Pepsi is one of my husband's favorite drinks and he buys it on the weekly basis. I think Pepsi is one of the best tasting soda's out of all the other ones I have drank. Who cares if it's bad for you. You only live once
Rated on Mavis's review
Commented on IrishMa4's review
I had 7-Up many times and each time I drink it it makes me burp like crazy and makes me feel sick to my stomach each time I drink no other soda makes me sick to my stomach like this soda does.
Rated on gowser's review
swetha gowda (@swethagowda101MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vaibhav Bagga (@vaibhavbagga730MouthShut Verified Member)
kareemahmed611 (@kareemahmed611MouthShut Verified Member)
Aakriti Thakur (@HealthiansMouthShut Verified Member)
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Sunil Narayan Chitte (@sunilchitteMouthShut Verified Member)
Nita Bonde (@nitabhirudMouthShut Verified Member)
Nimrit Kaur (@kaurnimritkaurMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ghulam Rasool (@gr8570588MouthShut Verified Member)
kunalsingh33 (@kunalsingh33MouthShut Verified Member)
Suraj Kumar (@suraj_pandit86MouthShut Verified Member)
Sunil Badgujar (@sunilbadgujar90MouthShut Verified Member)
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Manan Bajoria (@ixigoMouthShut Verified Member)
LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)
ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
KamalHindujaAuthor (@KamalHindujaAuthorMouthShut Verified Member)
Anulika Mishra (@anulikamishra1MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 4
Deepak Maan (@deepakmaanMouthShut Verified Member)