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Member Since:Nov 11, 2009
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Want to Fly on the road?
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220
Hi all, I have found most mouthshut reviews very useful to choose my dream machine. Thanks a lot, people. Let me start by saying that Pulsar 220 DTSI is a flRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Rated on jarvis_richardson's review
Rated on dr.dilshan's review
Rated on syed_atif's review
Rated on microreviewsorg's review
Commented on own review
Hi kill_aveng, That could be. Ya FI with this gear box is great, though DTSI is more powerful and very easy to race in the city. I never thought I would be racing like this. Push the rpm to 4K in every gear and it flies.
Hi Kill Aveng, Thanks for the complement. The problems could be less and the riders probably ride very hard that causes problems. I am glad that you have had no problems. I am hoping for a problem free ride too!
Hi RD350, I was not comparing Pulsar 220 to superbikes that cost a few lakhs. Comapre it to bikes like Fazers and FZ 16, which are in the same price bracket. Rd 350 will certainly smoke P220, I agree.
Commented on vito_don's review
Good review dude. Hawa se baatein karte raho. I agree with your assessment about the power and handling. Don't worry about the rev limit unless you have ridden at the max RPM for more than 10 minutes. Lots of serious bikers suggest hard run-in (race to high RPM; then allow engine deceleration withou Read More...
Rated on vito_don's review
Rated on johnson1234's review
Commented on johnson1234's review
This is no review dude. Serious people are here to read reviews. Please don't write such reviews.
Rated on robert500's review
Commented on robert500's review
Hi Robert, Sympathies! As a new Pulsar 220 DTSI owner I am hoping that I will have a better time with the bike. Bajaj reliability is suspect and problems are galore. For my first servicing a fellow told me that he had to change the gear box at 5000 km, but that comes under company warranty. They wil Read More...
Rated on thegame5995's review
Rated on Priyatam's review
Rated on mexx400's review
Commented on mexx400's review
Review written by a Yamaha fanboy who does not own R15. All the technology in R15 comes at a steep cost of 30K more than Pulsar 220. R15 is not powerful enough at low rpms making it difficult to ride in city traffic. Owners have complained of Apaches and Pulsars shooting past at the traffic lights. Read More...
Rated on bemyself's review
Rated on saaky.arun's review
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