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Member Since:Feb 14, 2007
0 MS Points
Outgoing, approachable, balanced person., a risk manager with a general insurance company. Travel, reading, movies, teaching, training, people,............
About Me
Education: BE, MBA, FIII
Food and Drinks: Home foodBooks: john grisham., sidney sheldonMovie Stars: AB, SRK, Akshay and Akshaye, Aamir, Irrfan....Movies: Kala patthar, trishul, don, .......T.V. Shows: Sarabhai v/s sarabhaiMusic: hindi film songsQuotes: live and let live
Food and Drinks: Home food
Books: john grisham., sidney sheldon
Movie Stars: AB, SRK, Akshay and Akshaye, Aamir, Irrfan....
Movies: Kala patthar, trishul, don, .......
T.V. Shows: Sarabhai v/s sarabhai
Music: hindi film songs
Quotes: live and let live
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Buy a Sony Bravia LCD
Reviewed Sony Bravia LCD S Series
I recently purchased Sony Bravia 40" LCD S series TV, after researching all possible brands. None of the TVs, except the Samsung LED will be able to match theRead more...
Excellent car - go for it anyday
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
If anyone is looking for a petrol car in the range of 4.7 lacs, none can beat the Swift Lxi. It is the delight product of Maruti, no wonder there is still a qRead more...
Best car for a small family
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki A Star
We got a Maruti A Star Vxi for my sis-in-law. The car is excellent in all respects. First and foremost, it delivered 21 kmph+ on highway with AC on and at higRead more...
Europe tours - don't be misled by prices
Reviewed Raj Travels and Tours - Mumbai
We went to Europe in 2007 through Raj travels, a 21 days Europe tour. We spent 4 lacs for two of us and wanted to have the best of Europe. Thankfully, our touRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Neo_da1's review
why are u so apologetic about it., the plain fact is that they booked the cheapest possible hotel and made money.
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Rated on rockashi's review
Commented on sanj_sal's review
don't let ur refund go waste. keep pursuing diligently and file a consumer court case
Commented on shawncastellino23's review
i'm sure this review is made up.....if true.., it could be only due to some good samaritan employee tour guide
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Rated on satishfaction's review
Followed KinKin
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