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Member Since:Dec 17, 2007
0 MS Points
About Me
Food and Drinks: Food: Chinese, punjabi dishes, gujrati dishes....................list goes on and on !!!Books: FictionMovie Stars: Aamir khan, katrina kaif, john abraham, Big BMovies: year have past since I have watched a movie....!!!T.V. Shows: ----Music: Romantic songs, meaningful songs. Quotes: Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better One!!
Food and Drinks: Food: Chinese, punjabi dishes, gujrati dishes....................list goes on and on !!!
Books: Fiction
Movie Stars: Aamir khan, katrina kaif, john abraham, Big B
Movies: year have past since I have watched a movie....!!!
T.V. Shows: ----
Music: Romantic songs, meaningful songs.
Quotes: Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better One!!
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sandeepmehta_1's article
@sandeepmehta Hi. Well written. I think every1 falling in love has this feeling (read insecurity). You made my day because while reading this fantastic piece of poem I went back to my romantic days!!! Thanks! Minal.
Just a thought
Commented on WHITEROSE's article
whiterose hey!! Nice thoughts!! Would like to comment on your last thot in this diary. I believe, there is nothing destined to happen. Your soulmate / partner is not fixed. You might meet 10 people in a day. There are some with whom u immediately click. u get along. same way, when u meet some1, Read More...
Many thoughts of many days... finally come here... :) Part 1
Commented on SRNAIR's article
Nair Sir, Very well expressed situation in KALYUG (i guess) What a fantastic poem sir!! too good!
Commented on praveen_2007's article
too good! the yankee one was hillarious...! Thanks for sharing these lessons. Quite useful in corporate life!!
Hi he he..... good one!! only our sardars can reply well...!! Thanks for sharing the joke!!
Hitler vs Sardar
Commented on Miai's review
Hi, This is called an review. Wonderfully written and very elaborative. You have written about every dept. Yes, it is trying time when someone dear to you is hospitalized. But then, finally what matters is the healthy return of the dear one back home!! I have faced a situation like this and g Read More...
Commented on vijaymb's article
too good!! lol. thanks for sharing. People think they are very smart, but it can be the other way round!!
Lovely post! Thanks for sharing such a nice lesson. We all need to accept faults and make the relationship stronger.......... But, was just thinking........... what if debbie's dad was equally tired after a long day's work!!!
vijay good piece of information!! thanks for sharing....
Q & A
Commented on own article
Javeed.. Thanks for the comment. Agreed! there is a change. Question remains............... Anyways.... thanks for peeping!!
Hi friends!! This is my first DP i.e a real DP in which I am writing my thoughts! Up till now I had posted email forwards!! I was just thinking about our great Indian culture. Be it a love marriage or a arranged marriage, the rules for women are set and rigid. Be it the most sophisticated family o Read more...
Commented on livehappy's article
Congrats !! Very true............ everyone of us wants a second chance in life. Congratulations on your 200th post!!
Good morning!.....Every failure is a step to Success!...My 200th Diary!
Commented on aaryesdee's article
too good!! Fantastic post!! Its the best option to live life fully..... But........... being a normal human being (with that I mean, having feeling like, fear, hurt, jealousy, suspicion, detrayal and many more...) can we really forget these in the past and go ahead with the present?? Its dif Read More...
Those two days!.......................
Hi usful information... For me, ads are entertainment..... I love advertisements as compared to the actual serial or movie. But yes, some of them are really worth analysing..... Thanks for sharing this information.
is the TVad "cute" or effective?
Uncle Ross Very good post......... Its true that prayer should come from within you and not to show... My dad always says..... God never asked us to pray for 24 hours. He meeds prayers that comes from a pure soul.... Thanks for sharing...
Daddy's Empty Chair....
ross uncle Thanks for your visit and comment.
Commented on leap24's article
deepa Good to hear that your mom is with you now. Everything will be alright.... don't worry. I think, acting in such a way clearly means that we are able to take care of our parent now. Its our time to look after them. They must have done this zillon times when we were kids!! The only differen Read More...
Go on, pick up those pieces…
Followed leap24
very true.... very well written uncle Ross!! Apart from these 9 points, I feel there should be a spark between the couple. I mean, sparks coming out of say.............simply holding hands.....for me this distinguished love from lust...... But, the post........... fantastic... Minal.
Am I in Love?.... How to Know if You're Really in Love!
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