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Member Since:Oct 25, 2010
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Regen is the best..better than the rest
Reviewed Regen Hair Vitalizer
Yeah.m so very much impressed with regen hair vitalizer, as you know that there r so many products claiming to b the best hair products, with this n that utilRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on karan_rhtg's review
this is a gr8 product
Commented on nihari's review
Absolutely ri8, very nice product, my whole family use it regularly
Rated on nihari's review
Rated on amit_kumar11's review
Commented on amit_kumar11's review
I think you are truly a big great fake.
Rated on karan_rhtg's review
Rated on Manoj99519's review
Rated on pradeep_shau33's review
Commented on pradeep_shau33's review
Regen is the best hair care product, I have ever used, its the best in the present market
Rated on SHANTHI_JOSEPH's review
Commented on ankitkelkar's review
Really nice product. To me, this is the ultimate and best hair treatment product in the present market bcoz i hv used many similar products but i found regen is the best one.
Rated on ankitkelkar's review
Rated on Prasanjeet's review
Commented on Prasanjeet's review
just bcoz you have not got result, you cnt say regen never grows new hair, Yes it does grow new hair, bcoz i have seen it, the result may vary from person to person, this happens with each n every product in the market that does not mean that a particular product is not useful. Plz b rational.
Rated on Sahiba82's review
Rated on Kusum_dev's review
Rated on Rahul53514's review
Rated on SUPRIYA623's review
Commented on SUPRIYA623's review
Regen is good..really good
Rated on VikashKpandey's review
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