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Member Since:Nov 08, 2010
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Someting wrong with regen now a days.
Reviewed Regen Hair Vitalizer
I have been using regen for very long time approx 2 years.Initially I got good result but surprisingly the quality of regen degraded.From last five months I oRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on karan_rhtg's review
Commented on karan_rhtg's review
hey karan stop writing these fake reviews.regen is just waste of money.
Commented on amit_kumar11's review
regen is 100% big fake product.If it can grow hair then it would be a big news from india and should be telecasted in every news channel.Baldness is a world wide problem.
Rated on amit_kumar11's review
Commented on mohit_dev's review
hey arvind i think u dont have much knowledge about FDA.Sugar comes commodities so it can't be a drug.FDA approval is mandatary for all the drugs.As far as regen is concern FDA approval is just a dream because u people cannot make fool to the FDA.What u can do is just write fake reviews to maintain Read More...
Rated on arvind_kk's review
Commented on arvind_kk's review
this is nonsense...regen is just another cheap fake product.
Commented on SHANTHI_JOSEPH's review
i think this review is done by the marketing team of the regen.this not honest review
ha ha ha look how shanti is jumping after reading the review.this is the beat review i ever read for regen hair vitalizer.my dear shanti grow up and accept the reality that regen is a big scam and u people are doing the cheap marketing and spoling the the mouthshut. SOOOO have fun shanthi joseph ha Read More...
Rated on mohit_dev's review
Commented on ankitkelkar's review
its a big fake product.Buying regen is just waste of money.
Commented on Manoj99519's review
this review is big fake,they are trying to sell this nonsense product by making fool to the customer.
Rated on SHANTHI_JOSEPH's review
regen lost its credibility now a days due to degrade in quality.It is sad to say but i am looking for some other product.
Commented on own review
I know all u guys u r jsut trying to maintain the good rating of this useless product.Please don't loot hard earned money of someone.Regen is big fake product.
Commented on rohit_jain1999's review
regen is very bad product.shampoo and conditioner are very cheap.
Rated on rohit_jain1999's review
Rated on Prasanjeet's review
Rated on ankitkelkar's review
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