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Member Since:Mar 11, 2006
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I am Manoj Soni, by profession an Art Director in USA based company (in easy words a Graphic/Web Designer) I design monthly magazine and customer websites for the company. Its one of my hobby too, I like to notice designs all around and put them together on a paper to make another unique design out of them. Further more I am very fond of flying model aircrafts and have been flying them for last 3 years and to fly myself i do para sailing. I am also trying to develop my own website manojsoni.com to put many things about me. I really love to share my knowledge with everyone and i find this site perfect to fulfill that interest of mine and I hope i would do it. Thanks Manoj Soni. 1. Aeromodelling (Flying model aircrafts powered by GlowPlug Engines running using methanol upto 10CC 2. ParaSailing 3. Reading 4. Research on Internet 5. Long & Fast Drives on Bike
About Me
Education: B.Com.
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Apache RTR Myths & Facts
Reviewed TVS Apache RTR 160
After very long time I am back to mouth shut, its been long I put my pulsar review on this web and now once again back with bike review. After owning Pulsar Read more...
Nice Price + Nice Features - couple of Cons = Z55
Reviewed Sony Ericsson Z550i
Hello All potential Mobile Buyers, Here is one more review from me after using my Sony Ericsson z550i for 9 months, so you must be sure that review would be cRead more...
Buland Bharat ki Buland Tasveer
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar
Hello Guys After driving my Pulsar 1000 Kms I am here to write about the bike, I was waiting for this day to put something about my bike. before I start withRead more...
Can't get Loan Because Neighbour doesn't know me!
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Hey Guys, Just got rejected by ICICI Personal Loan Department. and Reason they gave was completely rubbish. I dont have words to explain their foolishnRead more...
Basic Information to Ride bike Safely
Reviewed General Tips on Bikes
Hello Guys, Here I am trying to discuss top 10 Mistakes made by most of the bikers in India(atleast whom I seen). Well first thing I wound like to clear is, Read more...
Great Software to Make Really a Page
Reviewed Adobe PageMaker 6.5
I have been using Pagemaker for almost 7 years from now, so feel its better to review it now. I havent used much of Quark Express of Publisher so donRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
@Siva Yes it will be comfortable if lady is girl friend, if lady is your wife, i doubt, best thing is take her with you on test drive rather than assuming. yes it is possible to doextra cushioning, but it defnitely effects the handling of bike, any seat maker can do extra cushioning, but its not ab Read More...
@Satyanarayanan Ahmedabad TVS dealers almost don't want to sell Apaches, i got 160 test drive after many efforts, they simply never have bike for test drive. @Nayak Thanks for appreciation man, New Honda CB Unicorn dazzler must be good, only thing i don't like about it is, it is made kept comm Read More...
Thanks Sathyanarayan, Yes you are right, two reasons i didn't take test drive of 180, one is no use of 180cc in busy city traffic and other one is in ahmedabad test drive of 180 not available. its good you read my bajaj review too, well its not that i hate honda, infact before apache i was opting fo Read More...
Commented on praveenkkr's review
I was almost ready to go ahead and buy ExpressMusic but finally decided to go for trusted N70 Music Edition as my cousin brotheres and friends have same, I am very happy with it, writing review for the same soon.
Commented on iqbal_yaqub's review
I Agree with Anwar, I am graphic/Web designer I am having laptop with me but I can never think of letting my Desktops at home and office Go, I can't work on Laptop for more than 1 hr. May be its my personal thinking. But still heavy graphic work with small keyboard and mouse if headache, again Read More...
Commented on praveenz's review
Superb Review!! It is really great, and you are true at saying about Indian company competing Honda, Even I would like to speak about TVS which is now indian company and beating 100Cc market with great star city (with only 100cc bike with self start at the same price as honda 100cc kick starters). I Read More...
Rated on Kunal-9873184440's review
Commented on Kunal-9873184440's review
Hi Kunal, NIce to see your review, I also have pulsar DTSi and same like you all rumors were wrong in my Pulsar too, My pulsar just finished 10,000 Kms and still performance is superb. Your Review is undoubtfully great Keep writing Manoj
Hello Everyone, Thanks for your comments, I don't really know about using cell phone as remote for laptop and i never required and did it. Thanks again Manoj
Commented on xerses_pasha's review
Bikeguru is wrong, Unicorn is not yet available with alloy wheels, He saw at one dealer he himself fits allow and sell but factory fitted not available yet. here are answers of your questions. - Which of Honda dealers in Bangalore are good ? If u have any personal experiences (good or bad) plea Read More...
Commented on anveshpothula's review
Hi, I also have pulsar 4000 Kms done, no problems of over heading, I went Abu from A'bad distance almost 227. never got such problem, I use Castrol Power1. Keep good speeds and you get it as perfect bike ever, i dont even get false neutrals (atleast not during my 4000 kms) Manoj
Hi Dear, There are 3 versions of Unicorn Available. 1. HH Achiever 2. Honda Unicorn 3. HH CBZ Extreme Among all above best looking bike is definitely CBZ Extreme, also it produces max power (14.3 BHP unlike others 13.3 BHP) so if you look for best look and power than CBZ Extreme is best. Read More...
Hi Swimfan & Anand, Thanks for your compliments, only funny thing happened is on top i said 'Top Ten' and i mentioned only 8 of them. I really forgot rest 2 i found out, as soon as find out i will to put them. Manoj Soni
Hi Anand, You are absolutely right, you know when elephant is moving, dogs bark because they can't become as big as elephant so they satisfy themselves by barking at elephant, but elephant ignore them and that time dogs think that elephant got scared, that's exactly this dog (with WINGS) is th Read More...
Bingo, i got more than 100 comments on my PULSAR ROCKING BIKE. that's why its rocking, people will come and comment all those who like it like saurav and anand and specially those who don't like it like Srinivas and Chakrabir. anyways, Thanks Srinivas for your co-operation to complete 100 comm Read More...
>>>>Don’t say sanke & tortoise stories, you have borrowed these from bike guru.>>> OH YOU READ BIKE GURU??????? DO YOU TRUST WHAT HE SAYS? I AM SURE YOU DON'T THEN WHY MENTION HIM HERE. MANOJ
Hi Anand, You are absolutely right, i just edited my last comment, and trying to whack this guy for Srinivas, here I go '>>> Do you know why you bought Pulsar, you want to be re-assured that you are a male !!!. Bajaj sells sex and you lap up what ever it offers !!!>>> Do y Read More...
Srinivas, I hope you'll land again my my comment section to put the eggs, and i wish you do that as i always wish that when i put review it should cross 100 comment marks, this is my 91st comment. So Srinivas 9 eggs more because wings only can put eggs Bye Manoj Soni
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