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Member Since:Aug 12, 2009
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Air Asia - the greedy airlines
Reviewed Air Asia
Air Asia might be a budget airlines on paper. They have a "immoral" way of laundering money from helpless passengers! For example, my wife and my 1.5 year oldRead more...
Be careful about Bajaao !
Reviewed Bajaao
I have done shopping with Bajaao couple of times, and here is my take on it. If you place an order, and the item exists in their inventory, all is well! UnleRead more...
Going to Goa! Avoid Titos discotheque
Reviewed Tito's - Bardez - Goa
I had been looking forward to partying at Titos Goa for quite some time and all of my previous visits to Goa did not work its way to this disc. I finally wentRead more...
Bajaj Allianz Motor Insurance
Reviewed Bajaj Allianz General Insurance
Just a small feedback on Bajaj Allianz Motor Insurance. I have a two wheeler and a car insurance with them and would like to share my experience. Their custoRead more...
Avoid Taste of Rampur
Reviewed Taste of Rampur - Marathahalli - Bangalore
Please avoid this restaurant. Reason: High price Food is average I had asked for a paratha and being a North Indian Restrau, I expect a North Indian ParatRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on Glenn_Nigel's review
Rated on sonalikadash's review
Commented on u.rajaraman's article
Try to settle it offline, or else go to court. If it was a credit card payment, you could have blocked the payment the then and three itself post swipe. You can dispute that transaction as Univercell would not have the signed Merchant copy if your card issuing bank would have investigated. I would Read More...
Univercell Mobile store Worst customer service - Do not use Credit/Debit card to buy mobiles
Commented on ramsharma98's review
Myntra.com are dishonest in their dealings. You should log this in consumer court and make them cough up good amount of compensation.
Rated on ramsharma98's review
Commented on sammy84's review
Please take this to consumer court. I understand your situation.
Commented on MAC2INSTER's review
Hi Have you gotten the delivery? If yes, when? I hope you have it already.
Rated on MAC2INSTER's review
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