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Member Since:Sep 29, 2009
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Rider On the Storm !!!
Reviewed Bajaj Avenger
Ive read through many reviews on Bajaj Avenger and I think I should add my views as well. Im sure this is gonna help those who are planning to buyRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on ip_28's review
Nice Review buddy. maybe when you get time, would be nice if you could elaborate a bit on few more details about the Car. it seems you have driven only 30km at the time of review.maybe you can write more after driving more. and ya, could you quote the mileage that you are getting in Bangalore. Also, Read More...
Rated on ip_28's review
Rated on badri143's review
Commented on badri143's review
this is more of a comment rather than a review.
Rated on manjunathgs1's review
Commented on manjunathgs1's review
Now you just wasted my time. Please choose a better mode for your advertising.
Commented on own review
@m_harish : Your weight and back pain is not of concernw hen it comes to avenger. Back pains get worse when you ride sports kind bikes like Apache and Pulsar. Avenger is good for that purpose, and you weight is not a concern, you can ride smoothly on this bike. Only point of concern is your Height. Read More...
@satya : man you are asking for comparison between two different league.. ZMR is a sports segment where as Avenger is a cruiser type.
Commented on umesh.shankara's review
Buddy you could make this a little more informative then it would have been better.. for instance the mileage, how good is the DC circuit and battery life.. maybe a little word on how comfortable the bike is.. in what sense you call it a touring bike ?? is it suitable for long rides.. say 300km in a Read More...
Rated on umesh.shankara's review
Rated on abis's review
Rated on abs1982's review
Commented on abs1982's review
I totally agree with your views buddy.. even i've had bad experience with the ezone guys.. Products that you get on the spot is OK but products that need home delivery/ customer service are worst ever. I had the terrible experience with washing machine and microwave oven.
Commented on nanoharsha's review
Hi Harsha.. a little Correction with the Tyre Pressure thing (Guess a little communication mistake) : Front is 22 and not 28, rear is 25 to 28 and not more depending on your comfort level. I keep it as 28. @annaso : Gas suspension is not an option for Avenger. Gas suspension is longer than the co Read More...
Hi Harsha, I can truely understand what you are going thru and trust me i've gone through the same. My frens have complained a lot and in fact even i faced this prob once when i was in the pillion seat. well here are a few suggestion: 1. If your pillion is a heavy weight person then keep the Read More...
Hi Harsha, Well thats not a bad choice at all.. Congrats on your new bike.. Happy for you.. Dont worry Avenger wont let you down.. Like you metioned, its about Cost factor.. well thats true.. you've got a good package for less cost. As for resale value..well there is a resale value as there ar Read More...
@nishant : even if you try the new FI it wont help you much.. Avenger200cc does not have that either.. its got only DTSi and twin spark. I'd suggest tht you let it be the way it is. Fi wont help the riding feeling or anything for that matter, maybe mileage but again not worth it. @thaksi : you ar Read More...
On giving a second thought and riding both all over again over last weekend.. i'll say that you go for Eliminator as it has a very good riding feel, smoother engine, gear box and cluthes. Engine is of Kawasaki and it wont let you down.. try riding both once.. never know who can inclined towards what Read More...
Rated on bungharry's review
I'd say Bajaj Avenger 200.. its is upgraded and better in many ways.. 1. Better Power and pickup 2. New Bike so you can mould it with your style of riding 3. Oil Cooled is obviously better than air cooled.. Engine heating does not happen and you can go on Long rides without any prob. 4. Avenger Read More...
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