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Member Since:Jun 21, 2005
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Worth to watch
Reviewed Slumdog Millionaire
With lots of hype and publicity –thanks to Golden Globe awards, this movie is running Full-house shows all over India. I am writing this review using my multiRead more...
Not just a movie review
Reviewed Evano Oruvan
This is not just a movie review .A view of our society and film Industry too. Before I start my review I would like to congratulate Madhavan for his plucky aRead more...
Kamal -Actors Dictionary
Reviewed Kamal Haasan
On November 7, 1954, a boy was born at Paramakudi in Ramanathapuram district. Hardly anybody would have guessed that this handsome little boy would one day coRead more...
RGV hits homerun
Reviewed Sarkar
The Film starts with a note by Ram Gopal Verma (RGV) that he is one among the directors who was inspired by GODFATHER and this movie is a tribute to it. (I doRead more...
Reviewed Anniyan
If you haven’t watched Anniayn yet, please go and watch it immediately coz it may not be in theatres next week. Baffled??? Go ahead. Anniyan comes in tRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Thnk u for ur comments knmurli & nighthunter..Ya i accept that the the music was jarring i few scenes but overall performance was gud.. nithya
Rated on knmurli's review
Commented on knmurli's review
HI Murli... Excellent review..I am able to feel how you would have enjoyed hearing those numbers.Sorry for not writing more...rushing to buy THIRUVASAGAM CD.. :-) cheers, Nithya
Thnx a lot...not for the review but for making me aware that such an album exists... :-) nithya
You r right..The movie's subject is appreciable but not the way it is presented.I too join hands with you in not procuring fake receipts. Nithya..ANNIAYN..sorry INDIAN :-)
Hi Murli, I too accpet that the film's music is mediocre but I cant agree with onething. 'Never fix anything untill it is broken'. Had Maniratnam followed this we wudnt have got ARR(so soon-i must add this definitely as such a talent can never be hidden) See the Mani+Ilayaraja's series ..Pagal Read More...
Commented on cram19's review
HI Welcome to MS. Even I saw the movie and am not much satisfied as u r. As you hav pointed there r so many flaws in this movie. Please read my revu also and comment if u wish. (we both hav made our review debut with ANNIYAN :-) ) keep smashing... regards, Nithyaseelan(id:Nithyaseelan)
Commented on mskhetan's review
Being a poor manager of time I find this article useful. Thanks for inviting me to read ur article. luv, Nithya
Rated on mskhetan's review
'Mother Theresa with all her wrinkles is the most beautiful woman '--- wonderful. :-) keep many more coming like this luv, Nithya
Hi, Even I hav a gr8 respect towards Bharathi's works.Bharathi is a supreme confident person.Its quite evident from his works.As you said being a tamil album is its disadvantage.Kudos to ur attempt to take it to non-tamilians.I had already forwarded this to my frins' circle.
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