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Member Since:May 30, 2006
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. To travel is to leave the sunlight of the familiar and enter the shadows of the unknown, to face the questions that are never faced at home...
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In the year 2000, an excess of films...
Reviewed Five Best Hollywood Films of 2000
WHAT I WATCHED with pleasure.THE HITS Gladiator: serious punchy acting by Russell Crowe. Joachim Phoenix is creepy best. Memento : time runs backward in thiRead more...
Brilliant, creative, unique masterpiece
Reviewed Zelig
This movie pretends to be a documentary about a real character called Zelig. Leonard Zelig (played by Woody Allen) has a very curious Read more...
Reviewed Tips on the Effective Use of Search Engines
Indias first online video library
Reviewed Seventymm
The first online video rental store - they claim to be the only one in India, and they have a large collection - over 10,000 titles. You can join as a member,Read more...
Reviewed The Matador
I watched this movie on video just a week before it hit the theaters here. How stupid is that. Esp. stupid as it turns out that this is by far the most entertRead more...
Flying high
Reviewed Pushpak
To sum up in one word: poignant. It is a happy-sad movie a la Chaplin, which also has you laughing your head off. A complete novelty, never repeated For somRead more...
Tough Love
Reviewed Dutch
Off-beat films like Dutch (1991) often do better on cable reruns than at the multiplex. Though this is no art-house stuff, it is too low key to attract multipRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Coolwater, yes. the year 2000 saw a release of more than 5000 English movies, have listed just a few. check www.imdb.com for the complete list. Ipshonlu thanks.
Commented on walking_dude's review
and the beginning of a lifelong interest :-) No better intro to Japanese movies, which inspire so many western ones. Rashomon is critically appreciated and the most copied, while the best known is Shinichin no Samurai ( The Seven Samurai), which inspired Yul Brynner western The Magnificent Sev Read More...
Rated on walking_dude's review
I dont like this remake --it does not have Spiderkanth 'Rejini' saar. nono sayeth: Peter was a Parker but every Parker was a pale wanker so they added a tight black suit to make Parker's 'peter' Darker adults only: refer peter, wanker in www.urbandictionary.com nono definitely no
You like Vijaykant, Rajnikant? Also spell Hindi slightly like Tams - 'main tho ho gaya' instead of 'main to ho gaya', and yet the Hindi is OK. Guessing - Tam who lived in North. Correct saar? Clips are hilarious, BTW. You have hitchhiked to a new galaxy I didnt know about.
for once i thought bollywood actually made a good original funny film. now where to find this film le Dinner de cons? Coincidentally below your vague shayari effort, there is a pic of a guy with paan-red lips, who could have been mistaken for the author of those lines.
Commented on the_master's review
So I will go see it, but god I wish they would stop bawling already !! I hated Spiderman I and II more than the other superheroes. Hate the sensitive stuff, hated Kirsten uniformly (Die, you dodo), despised the white haired granny types. And couldn't stand the weeping and sobbing from spidey. What Read More...
Rated on the_master's review
Commented on rdcool's review
You have convinced me to go watch, if there are no songs.I find myself passing out with boredom at most songs in movies. Although I wonder how a movie with a budding singer as one of the characters managed to escape that. Spread the word Nono
Rated on rdcool's review
Dude, Where's my car? : sophomore humor, Ashton Kucher is regrettable. What Women Want - Mel Gibson learns something by waxing his leg and wearing a bra. Dont ask. Road Trip - more sophomore humor about Dudes on a road trip. As pointless as it gets. Gone in Sixty Seconds: Nick Cage in a car steal Read More...
Quills: something about period film set in an insane asylum. Remember the Titans: something about Denzel and sports - I think he's a coach. The Emperor's New Groove : Animated animal movie. Sexy Beast : Ben Kingsley as villain in a bank robbery caper. Tigerland : Colin Farrell, military training Read More...
Me, Myself and Irene : Jim Carrey in a strange dual role - twice as ugh-making. But hysterical fun. Pitch Black : blind killer Vin Diesel rocks a sci-fi pic with fluorescent eyes. Miss Congeniality : Bullock is actually funny, in a low-key sort of way.
Unbreakable : Excuse - Bruce Willis. Sadly goes through movie in a comatose state. Hate films that never really explain why something is happening. Mission Impossible II : Excuse - Since I saw the first one, etc, etc Charlie's Angels : Excuse - Good friends dragged me to it. Wafer thin plot for gi Read More...
U-571 : Enough with the submarines. What is Bon Jovi doing in this? Men of Honor : Black navy diver and his trainer. Title bored me, so I never went further. Nurse Betty : woman chasing a soap character, believes he's real. The Replacements : Keanu Reeves as sports coach. Sorry. Bye bye. Rules o Read More...
Proof of Life :Russell Crowe hired to rescue a woman's husband from South American rebels. The 6th Day : Scwarzeneggar is cloned and meets himself. Terminally boring plot, but I suspect I will succumb to Arnie fever when nothing else is on TV. The Contender : political drama. Scheming and manipula Read More...
Requiem for a dream : I had had enough of Robin Williams in Jack for a decade. But this movie apparently was different. Cast Away : This is just like it happened with Titanic. The hype put me off. Tom Hanks survival saga. I hear its pretty good. I'm just not ready for monologues with baseballs, and Read More...
Commented on vivek_chaturvedi's review
sounds v nice. altho the speed of meals mayb related to it being offseason, no other customers. i can hear the ocean right now. wish i lived there.
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