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Member Since:Jul 19, 2006
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My Ambition is making a lot of noise in the engin
Reviewed Hero Honda Ambition
Hey all, I bought my Hero Honda ambition on Feb. 14th 2003 in the Nidhi Motors(Banglore). When I bought the bike it is very smooth I hardly used to listen toRead more...
Review on new scorpio slx
Reviewed Mahindra Scorpio CRDE
Hey all, after the very nasty experiece of buying a car from vijay auto, I got my car on june 12th. I took scorpio slx 8 seater nobel black color. Let me expRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Thanks for all of your valuable comments. Last week my bike has started to made too much of a sound in the engine, so I left my bike in one the local service man(Sudhakar Reddy, TavereKere, Bangalore) whom I know very well and from the past 4-5 years. He had replaced most of the engine parts and rep Read More...
Commented on svjayalakshmi's review
Thanx for your valuable informtion. How far Madurai from banglore. I hve seen the madurai temple set in the telugu film(Arjun). It was really good. Regards, Prashanth Reddy
Hello Srinivas, My bike has completed 35,000 kms till know, but the problem has started around 20,000 to 25,0000 kms.
Hello, Thanks a lot for your valuable information. I will do the same thing even to my car. Your suggestion to apply grease on the back leaf spring will be very useful for my car bcoz our road is full of path holes.
Commented on mishra_prasun's review
Hey, This is prashanth from b'lore. I bought the scopio slx new model on june 12th.I have a tough times in maintaing my black color car. Even if i just go out 5 - 10 kms my car will become dirt very soon. Even after washing the car it will be though to make it dry. Even if there is a small water Read More...
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