Member Since:Sep 24, 2003
0 MS Points
Hiya to u people out there!
Glad I happened to come across a happening joint like ms. Serendipitous I’d say.
A quick run thro bout me ,myself…..
Born a Sagittarian ,the fire in the sign burns thro the soul constantly. Ol pal Jupiter has caressed me with that boundless imagination, that scorching anger, those expansive emotions and the reckless undying spirit of adventure.
Like the fiery fifth rock, beware earth ,shooting screaming Schumacher Levis’ is no big deal for us sagis. Keeping that fuse nice and cool is up to ya earthlings! He! He! He!
To more serene stuff about my profession and things like that…..6 months away from my bachelor degree in medicine an surgery from Madras Medical College in TamilNadu I’m planning on blazing a trail to the Stockholm prize. Whatever .
Simply love books .Used to be a voracious reader half a decade ago.Now mellowed down a bit.Not that I had any choice in the matter though. This teeny weenie itsy bitsy course of mine has my poor lil gray cells swimming in oceans of medical jargon and is gloating away as I try and cram more and more and more……………sigh! What a shame.
Michael Crichton is the way to go if u are I. Right from andromeda strain to prey ,its been a great roller coaster ride with the genius. Robin cook is of course part and parcel of a doc’s student days.mutation and chr.6 are right up there.
Among the others I’ve perused are Wodehouse , Hawking , von Daniken , Hailey , Seagal, rice Burroughs , King , Archer , Ludlum , Christie , Rynd, Uderzo , Herge , Blyton , Rowling , Tolkien….and more.
Love travelling(rolling hills,dales ,creeks and the like drive me wild with ecstasy) ,hangin out with friends and music- truly , madly , deeply is a multivitamin tablet beyond compare.
Man! That’s enough. Btw I’d like to pass on this message to ms buddies. This has motivated and inspired me along the way many a times.so help u r self.
People are unreasonable,illogical
And self centerd. Love them anyway.
If u do good ,people will accuse u
Of ulterior selfish motives.do good anyway.
If u are successful u win false
Friends and true enemies.succeed anyway.
The good u do today will be
Forgotten tomorrow.do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make u
Vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
People favour underdogs but follow only
Topdogs. Fight for some under dogs anyway.
What u spend years building may
Be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack
You if u help them. Help people anyway
Give the world the best u have
And u’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best u have got.
Take care, have loads of fun and be alive whenever u get the chance!