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Member Since:Jan 11, 2010
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All New Black Ritz
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki RitZ
I see 60 users before me have given their detailed opinion about the car, so I won’t elaborate it instead I will keep it short and try to highlight the pointsRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on duttadipankar's review
Rated on horizon7's review
Commented on s_lakkoju's review
I took mine on 25th Dec 2009. i get 15 kmpl with AC on.. 75% of the time.. Happy with my car. :)
Commented on schowd's review
Buddy, did u not test drive the car before buying..??
Commented on selson2's review
buddy... mileage is never claimed by Hyundai.. it's claimed by ARAI.. which is an independent organization and they take mileage test of all cars sold in India. Mileage of 19 is claimed for Highway driving with NO AC... so in city you can expect around 14-15... Again,mileage depends on so many fact Read More...
Commented on ashwani111's review
buddy , Test Drive a Swift or Ritz.. 1.2L engines.... i knw looks r controversial... but just have a feel of the drive quality.... and yes, i20 is a good looking n lousy car. Dont judge a book by its cover.... contents also matter a lot !
Commented on Dr.Ramya's review
Now that you have added/updated ur review with most info, it's much better now. Ye aap pehle hi kar dete.. !!! :)
Rated on Dr.Ramya's review
just for the sake of writing... why do you write stuff which is of no use?? better would hv been if you wrote abt ur expr while driving the car.... how was pickup AC legroom road handling body roll, etc etc Just an useless review. I was keenly waiting for Verna Transform review. This revie Read More...
Commented on avisb's review
when has it happened - when petrol rises, diesel prices do not rise...?? (w.r.to line 1) Interiors of swift are better than Figo's... have u seen the silver lining on the AC vents.. looks so cheap.... and who gives a Maroon color dashboard..? Figo's inbuit audio system is good however, the drive q Read More...
Commented on VSP46's review
i would agree with Avisb, If you are not very tall, then at least Test Drive Figo diesel or Chevy Beat.. these 2 are very good Value for money cars....
Commented on yogeshjk's review
HI Yogesh, Just a simple Qs.. Did you not test drive the car before buying ?? If u see..the recommendation... 87% can't go wrong. I agree the pickup is sluggish (compared to other 1.2L cars)... but apart from this, its a good product.
Rated on yogeshjk's review
Commented on sanjeevx's review
Sir, Did you not test drive the car before buying. ? I dont knwo which model you took; but, 1.2L i20 has not so good pick up, this is a very well known thing. wht do u expect when u fit in i10 engine in i20 body.
Rated on coolrb's review
Commented on coolrb's review
Dear Reviewer.. close ur account immediately and move to another bank which is better. Now, seriously tell me.. will u close ur account??? No is the answer..i guess.,; We know the answer why ... As per website, they are upgrading to a new platform n in the process they run into somwe prob. 18th J Read More...
Commented on sandeep3998's review
Did you not check the same while taking Test Drive of the same model..? Interiors of the TD car & the car u hv should hv same quality interiors. Braking should also be the same. If you spent 6.5L without test drive, then sorry to say....
Rated on Zameer.Khan's review
Commented on Zameer.Khan's review
no substance... useless review. no facts, what will reader gain from it
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