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Member Since:Jul 14, 2007
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Reviewed Net4India
Two simple words to describe this Service Provider...."Third Class". I am looking for an alternative option ASAP. Dont know what made me chose this serRead more...
SX4 & Waitng...NOT anymore...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki SX4
I am with Maruti from past 6 years; I bought my third car from Maruti. Moreover, main reason for being with them without even trying any other brand is my 100Read more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Rated on shakeel's review
Commented on khurram181's review
I have been driving SX4 ZXi from past 4 yeras. In my opinion, FE in city driving totally depends on the traffic n other factors beyond control. So I really do not consider that as a criteria. But on long drives of rougly 300 to 500kms I get 14 to 15. No doubt still a bad FE compared to other c Read More...
Rated on arun_112's review
Rated on dannycg's review
Commented on dannycg's review
want to have a bike review, not a campaign. sorry pal :(
Rated on jrdeliwala's review
Commented on babu.bylappa's review
Dear Babu, there is no need to go for big surgery, U just need a JVC Powerd Subwoofer (Model Name-BB2), whihc is available with Nitin Automoiles, JC Road, Bengaluru. Further details r in my review. I have installed this ( I took out JVC BB2 from my previous Car), and it really enhances the music Read More...
Commented on adidhar's review
Hi, I own SX4 ZXi, and enjoying it thoroughly from past 8 months. Its a really good car. VFM, stable at high speeds, and well know GC & MUL service. One negetive is abt little sluggish engine. As ppl describe, its not very good at pick up. Except that, I give 10/10 for SX4. Praful.
Commented on Devv_Paul's review
Hey 'noida_carSX4',, For ur kind info, Airbagas in SX4 work only if driver's seat belt is fastened. So don't worry much, Play safe, Fasten ur seatbelts at lest at high speeds. Praful
Very nice & crisp review. Yes I agree, Cedia is a better car, But as u said, Service !! can't imagine. And even the interiors are'nt impressve as SX$. Service is waht drove me to SX4. They are reliable. Praful.
Rated on Devv_Paul's review
Rated on alexjeshurchris's review
Commented on alexjeshurchris's review
I have been using SX4 from past 8 Months, NO Issue at all. And trust me No one can provide better service than Maruti. I can justify this based on my 6 yrs relation with Maruti. Praful.
Commented on claudeveigas's review
My both service were free. How can they charge 6k ? there must be any other thing like teflon coat etc. And further, even Pick Up & Drop are 100% free. Lets not compare to Honda service. Praful.
Rated on claudeveigas's review
Commented on mkumar98's review
oh my god. I thought it's the best in the segment. I choose SX4 over Cedia ( I know both are from different segment) only bcoz of the service / support issue I trusted Maruti, I I feel happy abt my decision. Now after reading your opinion, I feel relieved. Do you think all the Mitsubishi dealers ar Read More...
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Followed madhuriesingh
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