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Member Since:Aug 23, 2004
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I am into the IT Solutions space for over 9 years now. I have completed my MBA in IT & Systems. Love to give solutions of most problems specifically in Auto and IT. My major interest is Automobiles. Love to check out the latest dream mean machines before they hit the roads. Other than that dining out, movies and going out for long drives.
About Me
Education: MBA
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The Indian Team - what is it?
Reviewed Indian Cricket Team
First I would begin by saying that the current Indian team is not responsible for teh debacle we are facing. Its the selectors who are causing this. This has Read more...
Bunty aur Bubbly....stole my money too!
Reviewed Bunty Aur Babli
Expectations! High Expectations! and look what happens.... a horrible film. This is how one could summarize the B&B experience. I had to sit through the entirRead more...
Crime Investigation Defined!
Reviewed C.I.D. - TV Serial
First of all a big thanks to the Sony Team & the creative unit of CID for bringing out such a thriller and taking us away from the sorryful daily dramas whichRead more...
No If No But sirf kutt!
Reviewed Jo Bole So Nihaal
So Sunnys finally seen in a Comic role. Must be joking. But JBSN shows us a funny side of Sunny. Sunny does a good job trying to hold the audience till the enRead more...
Data one Options many
Reviewed BSNL Dataone Broadband Service
BSNL has finally hit the target. Of providing a reasonably priced internet access for all classes of people. I got my connection of DATA ONE on 1st of April (Read more...
EnDIOring Xperience!
Reviewed Honda Dio
Before I begin this review, MouthShut kindly note that this is a product of the Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd and not of Hero Motors. The Dio has Read more...
The ERRTel Xpress Network
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
---- Update June 6 2005 ---- In my earlier review I had recommend people to take an Airtel Connection, but to update all the users on this front, please noteRead more...
The m3t of shaving
Reviewed Gillette Mach3 Razor
This review ison Gillette Mach3Turbo which the company has launched sometime back in the market, and believe me, according to me its inferior to its earlier vRead more...
The Arts and Parts of Corsa...ing
Reviewed Opel Corsa 1.6 GLS
This is my first review on this site and felt that it would be great to start off with a product which I have owned for over 4 years and would not mind keepinRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
hi navin, in response to your queries: 1. u have mentioned that the duration of use is 4 years? its surprising since u seem to hate it. A: I still use gillette, the point i was making is that earlier the blades lasted longer now they dont. I understand they last longer than the 3 shaves after Read More...
Commented on ravindrasw's review
I am really surprised by the demerits you have listed for spicejet. Certain eye openers. 1. You dialled a STD number. Dear friend spice has a TOLL FREE NUMBER: 18001803333 2. You had to wait a long time to get through. My average wait time on the Toll Free number has been 2-3 minutes not more. 3. Read More...
Commented on dreamsan03's review
You will be surprised to know that I too faced the same problem. I then dialled from my land line number to get through the Customer Support. They say that you can call the CS only X number of times after which the facility is disabled! Further I also faced a problem with their call centre who alway Read More...
Commented on Spicejetisworst's review
First of all I feel sorry for all people who just want to comment bad on airlines without knowing the facts. Spicejet has a ON TIME performance many wish they had! Some factors are not in its control like weather & ATC. Try Kingfisher or Jet once & you will find Spice is better! I have travelled by Read More...
Commented on madhu_sudhanbs's review
You can check your account status for around 3-4 months and that too session wise. Meaning if within an hour you reconnected twice each session details with complete byte usage is shown. You need to go to www.dataone.in for this & According to me the service is much much better than these private g Read More...
Commented on anandeeps's review
I have travelled by this airline around 4-5 times and have got very good treatment from them. Most of my journey has been from & to Bangalore so dont know about the Delhi terminal. But here it is great. They are on time, polite & regarding baggage I have not faced any problem. As this is a LCC they Read More...
Commented on mnsuresh's review
Hi, I too had a problem with the billing this month. You need to do the following & confirm your usage 1. Either go to the www.dataone.in website and check you usage record for the month. Total all the data transfer bytes & see how much it is. If its more than one GB i feel nothing can be done from Read More...
Commented on dkkshatriya's review
Hi, I feel that given this kind of service you should try out for SpiceJet the new low cost carrier that is making great news for its on time departure/arrival with reasonably good staff & service. Its better to be a little inconvenient paying 1/3 the rates that pay full rates and then be annoyed!
Commented on AMBARK_1's review
Hello, I am also a owner of a Opel Corsa 1.6 GLS and it gives me a City with AC mileage of around 12 and highway mileage of 15 and without ac around 17. So I think that the low mileage is because of some problem with your car. Our neighbour too had a Corsa Royale 1.6 and it was giving a mileage of j Read More...
Commented on kamuboy4u's review
Hi, I too have tried the 646 service and it works perfect. Dont understand how come you are facing a problem. I feel there is some problem while typing etc. you need to type 64601/02/03/04 while calling. Try it once again as I get connected at first call itself.
Commented on dig_down_deep's review
rrot and stick effort. There should be a individual player rating system. According to me there should be 4 teams that the Board should select. When not playing with other countries, these teams should play amongst each other and then select the best out of them which would be best 4 batsmen, 4 bowl Read More...
Hi, Judging a person just from 4-5 matches is completely wrong. You can give sourav 2 years to prove him and judge Rahul just from one series is not warranted. Sourav is worried only about his captancy & records and cares very little for the team. What has he done in the last two years to give him Read More...
Commented on anupr's review
-----they really mean MAGIC ----they reduce amount from your account ----and thats magic!!! I too would say that the services have gone from bad to worst. Though I never faced any problems with their recharge vouchers, I have heard that from a couple of people. But in terms of service they are go Read More...
Commented on vandandalal's review
I too am with you that too 1000% that day by day the quality of TOI is going down the drain. To say the least, the Ahd drains are much better than TOI. Ahmedabad & so to say Gujarat has so much to offer. Most of the entrepreneurs (the whos who in the industry) are from Gujarat. Be it the Ambanis, or Read More...
Commented on umakanth's review
I too have a airtel prepaid & they have a funny way of updating your balance. First some part of the balance shows up and then after 24-48 hrs remaining balance shows up. I would say that these private operators are taking all the consumers for a dreamy costly ride. I have 3 connections first being Read More...
Commented on bobby_71263's review
Hi, Checked your review and based on the things you have mentioned I dont think it would stop any one from flying on Spicejet. SpiceJet has a ontime dep/arrival ie within 5 minutes of dep/arr. over 90% of the time. It has been rated in terms of service at par with other airlines (except on board ser Read More...
Commented on wazzup's review
Hi, checked your review on AD and about low cost flying. But all are not the same. Have you checked out spicejet. Based on survey of around 8-10 people who travelled they have only one complaint if atall you call it a complaint - they do not serve food. Rest is all same. So finally spicejet makes su Read More...
Commented on goelbharat's review
Ok, I believe that you are not bluffing or trying to harm the image of Opel and what you say is correct. Give me your car & service details lets see what I can do from my end. Because ur model is Nov 2002, one of our friends had purchased a model in Jan 2003 and has similar problems that you listed Read More...
Your review on Corsa has surprised me. And to its last word! 2 opel owners on the same day with similar issues writing a review bad about Opel. Being a Opel owner for 5 years now, I havent had any trouble from the car and inspite of the fact that in the past 5 years 4 dealerships have changed. Its g Read More...
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