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Member Since:Nov 25, 2006
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Zen is better.
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Duo
Ive been using the Wagon R Lxi from 2004 onwards. Before that I was using a Zen. Zen was actually my first car. I purchased a Wagon R since my Zen was aRead more...
Reviewed Yamaha YBX
I was a Yamaha fan from the day I started biking. The bike that had that time was the great RX 100. But then as I grew older, power was not the only aspect I Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on mihir_my_alias's review
Mihir...great review. I have purchased the Unicorn after reading your review and I should say you have just said the truth about this bike. I have ridden the pulsar 150. I don’t kow why these guys using Pulsars buy that bike in the first place because it is nothing, repeat ’nothing’ compared to Unic Read More...
Commented on pratik2605's review
I agree. Its anyday, much better and reliable than rediff shopping.
Commented on sreenu80's article
Hunk, Extreme, Pulsar, Unicorn? Even I am planning to buy a 150cc. I test drove Pulsar 150, cbz extreme, Hunk and Honda Unicorn. I also tried Yamaha Gladiator (125 cc). Decision making was easy. If I am to buy a 150cc, it will be Unicorn....otherwise I'm not buying anything. Too good yaar. I have bo Read More...
Hero honda hunk or honda unicorn,shine
Commented on racer_m's review
I have booked for a Unicorn. It will take 3 months for me to get the bike. The sales person was telling me that since the tires are big, unless you frequently check the air pressure, the brake brushes get worn out. Since I have a bad habit of ignoring the tire pressures, I am a little worried in thi Read More...
Commented on signorvivek's review
If you are upgrading from a hundred cc bike, this is just the bike for you. Yamaha is not a popular bike like the HHs. This is because of low mileage compared to it. But when it comes to performance, Yamaha is the best.
Commented on bhautikjoshi's review
With 11000/- we can get the king of mp3 players...the ipod itself. That too with an immense 30 GB capacity. Then why should one go for this. When we can get audio and video for that price, who will go for buying the Sony. As far as sound quality is concerned, it is mainly depended on the earphone Read More...
Commented on ashwini.bagaria's review
I had used Creative Muvo slim for 6 months. Then I purchased ipod 30GB. Believe me, the sound is far better than creative. You should not say a product is good just because you own it. I agree creative headphones are better than ipod's. Connect creatives EP630 or Senheisser's CX 300 to the ipod, tru Read More...
Commented on generallyStoned's review
GenerallyStoned..oops what a user name..anyway, I agree with you 100 percent that 5750 from pioneer is great. I had it in my previous car, a zen. God the whole car turned to a theatre when I played songs with good beat. Unfortunately, when I sold that car, the buyer insisted on the set. Now that I p Read More...
Commented on its_rohit's review
Do you really feel that the new wagon R looks good. It looks awful yaar. Just compare the looks of the just previous model, It looks far better. I think the designers at Maruti have died or they left the company. They had good designers before. Another awful design is swift.
Commented on anterpreet's review
Anterpreet, Sometimes, I feel like keeping my YBX because of its raw power and terrific pickup. But unfortunately, the mileage factor is too bad. I showed many mechanics but all in vain. Another thing is it has a lousy shock absorber. I might get a backache soon.
Commented on ravenlord's review
I spotted a Sony MDR E-829v. They didn't allow me to check it out as it was sealed. It is priced 850/- Is it good ? Since I can't hear it before buying, somebody who heard it should help. I heard Sennheiser MX500 is good. But it is a bit costly, around 1450/- . I don't know which one I should go f Read More...
Which is the best available earphone for upgrading from the supplied earphones ?
Commented on masterpiece's review
You recommended this bike and later on you say don't buy. And Yamaha and no pick up. Doesn't match. Yamaha is always known for its pick up. And I don't believe you when you say Discover is a better bike. May be its got better mileage. The rest is sh*t when compared to Yamaha.
Commented on pushsoft's review
You say you are not entirely happy with this product. You give it a 2 star rating.. and still you recommend it to others ??? What I feel is that Unicorn's performance is Ok overall, but not worth the money you pay. So is Pulsar.
Commented on modernmukul's review
After reading your review of the ipod, I checked up your details. Boy, your language and way of reviewing is too good and unbelievable for a 1991 model guy. Great keep it up. Can you help me on how I can transfer video into my 30GB.
Commented on nakehh's review
How to transfer the converted video into the ipod. Somebody please help.
Commented on roger.k's review
Try www.motoesporte.com to see the pic. But you can't read the details. Its in another language.
Commented on afbraganza's review
Especially when we can get similar quality sound or even better at much much less, why bother / Bose has only its name. And ofcourse good finish.
Commented on omnibook's review
Is it better than apple ipod ? Is it costlier or cheaper than the ipod. Have anyone of you compared the performances. I was planning to buy a 30GB ipod. Should I switch to iriver ?
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