There is no ISI mark on almost all the latest models of KENT RO water purifier, is it safe to purchase?
Oct 11, 2019
By: JONA1901
1 Answers
ISI used for industrial product. ISI stands for Indian Standards Institute. The mark certifies that a product conforms to an Indian standard developed by the Bureau of Indian Standards, the national standards body of India. If there is ISI mark on this product it shows not reliable. Kindly contact the company for reason of ISI mark. afterwards you want purchase Kindly check reviews of customer
May 13, 2020
By: Kevinpaul
There is no ISI mark on almost all the latest brands of KNET RO water purifier, is it safe to purchase?
Jun 04, 2020
By: AhujaTara
Which is best water purifier with good after sales service? I live in Ahmedabad.
Dec 15, 2018
By: Chandani06
Voltas Water Purifier is the best water purifier in Ahmadabad. Voltas give best service. it can purify 9 different types of water. This water purifier is to be installed at the main water pipeline which enters in your house.
Nov 14, 2019
By: AkkiNirv
Why my kent maxx 7 water filter is filtering water drop by drop..... (only one week old)
Mar 22, 2018
By: daspranab98
Hey if you find the answer please send me message. I am also facing same problem.
Why is there a black residue on the filter after putting in water.. are those impurities? So much black residue. Must it be cleaned and how?
Dec 04, 2017
By: stephaniefernande
Interesting I also don’’t know the answer please anyone want to help to find the answer?
What is the periodicity of regeneration of mini water softner
Jun 11, 2017
By: coljayant
0 Answers
i have question please let us know in how many days we change the kent ro fillter
Nov 10, 2015
By: alpanshsolanki
The RO membrane needs to be changed every 3-4 months in order to prevent clogging pores.
can people tell me how to reuse the water which gets collected in the tank?
Jun 29, 2015
By: guptaritu090
10 Answers
yaeh it is a much better product than others
Jul 07, 2015
By: sharmarakesh8005
it is a very nice product
By: vickysharma8997
I also use Kent Ro supreme
By: nisha125sharma
yes I also use it for gardening
By: zoyasharma5550
we use it for washing utensils
By: nehajindal8220
we use 4 gardening purpose
By: vermaanchal8009
i give it to our maid for mopping d floor
By: rajkmr1366
yes I also reuse the water
By: ajayverma7899
I also retain d water n use it for household chores
By: akkumar6556
since drinking that water is not reommended you can use that water for other household chores
By: rssharma4621
how is kent pearl water purifier I want to know because my son wants to buy a water purifier and he has liked the design of dis product?
Dec 18, 2014
By: oberoishweta87
3 Answers
hi i think Kent Pearl is agood product my relatives are also using it and they are happy with it.
Dec 19, 2014
kent ro pearl is agood product just like other kent ro products this is also worth of investing on.
By: nidhitejan7788
hi I will also suggest that Kent RO Pearl is a decent product to invest on.
Hello friends I am using Kent RO Supreme from last 10 months but I heard Grand Plus is a better product than Supreme so should I opt for it?
Dec 09, 2014
Thanks al ot frnds 4 ur suggestions.
Yes dont waste money 4 a new water purifier Kent Supreme is a better deal as you wont have to face the problem of wasting water.
bth r more or less of d same quality der z nthn special abt grand plus infact supreme comes wid 0 water wastage facility.
Is zero water wastage machine just a gimmick by Kent RO or a real game changer??
Nov 28, 2014
I am also an user of Kent RO Supreme and I am really happy with it. It is the complete value for money product.
Nov 29, 2014
By: abhisiktadatta8
yes I am also using this product and I am happy with it.
By: evabhatt1987
Kent Supreme is really a gud product n worth a buy as it recovers 40 litres of water(I read in newspaper) bt I am using it n m happy wid it.
yes u cn go 4 it. worth it. Dis z rlly gud product u can invest in it.U can buy dis produt. who wants 2 waste water these days!
By: nitinsharma2334
d odr purifiers avlbl r Tata Swach 1600 Eureka Forbes 1700 Electrolux 9000 Nasaka 1300 bt still Kent is d best a lil costly bt it s good.
By: payalkapoor8888
wa8r 1st gets cllctd in d purifier den it z pssd thru a membrane n d rjctd wa8r gets cllctd in a separate tank u cn use dt w8r l8r 4 odr wrk
yes a costly affair but it is worth the cost.
yes a little costly Rs.17,000. But it is worth of buying. I am using it past 5 years.
By: divyavimal1999
ya the rejected water gets stored in a separate tank which is attached with a tap so that we can use the rejected water for household chores
Hello people I am planning to buy a Kent Pearl, will you please tell me will it be worth for the money?
Nov 27, 2014
Is this a storage type or an instant type of water purifier?
Jul 02, 2014
By: Oceanstar
I am planning to buy KENT supreme, does any one have any feedback on this product? Is it ok to go for this new product by paying premium?
Apr 18, 2013
By: marpuri
yes KENT RO is just the best. believe me
Nov 11, 2014
By: mt175153
Please provide more reviews
Aug 30, 2011
By: gadamitesh
Please check my full review -
Sep 25, 2012
By: doctorvikram