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Member Since:Sep 11, 2010
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Cause of sharp decline in the global market
Reviewed HSBC Securities & Capital Markets India Pvt Ltd
Bears are roaring and Bulls are crying.... Here are some reasons which have led to fall in the global markets...The Global Markets are very jittery..and henceRead more...
God’s technique in the hands of Dr.Sarvotham
Reviewed Dr.Vijay Sarvotham
I had back pain, shoulder pain & numbness for more than 15 years. It was very difficult for me to do day to day work because of this ailment. I tried varietieRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on lr27's review
Commented on praskov's review
this is not the case only in Apollo it is happening in almost all the hospitals in the city. instead of visiting a big hospital you can go for a small clinic which is near by they charge a normal fee and treat us well. so i offen go for a clinic nearby and send about Rs 200 or less if i get a fever. Read More...
Rated on praskov's review
Commented on rmondnet's review
yes off course this is the real problem with the SBI people
Rated on rmondnet's review
Rated on tarachandPrasad's review
Rated on nitinpethkar's review
Commented on nitinpethkar's review
I think that your review is lacking in something
Commented on apbasu's review
thank you for writhing this review. After reading this review all of them will be very precatious while donating blood.
Rated on apbasu's review
Commented on ratnasuman's review
I heard about Dr.Sarvotham from Dr. Probhavathi (Vijayashri diagnostics). I was suffering from slip disk, Back pain, so I took treatment from Dr.Sarvotham Acupressurist. Ya, this treatment making me to feel better and better, day by day. And I decided to continue this treatment.
Rated on ratnasuman's review
Rated on srsarangi's review
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