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Member Since:Jul 04, 2005
0 MS Points
I am just a face in the crowd. I am not a rockstar or a brain surgeon. I love to travel and meet people. My field of work is Industrial Electronics. I like to discuss topics that are less spoken about. I like politeness and simplicity. I avoid people who are rude, loud or constantly trying to prove themselves.
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Education: Literate
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Impossible to change address or terminate account
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
I changed my house on 26th May 2013. So I made an advance change of address request to Airtel Broadband on 21st May 2013. They sent me an SMS saying that my cRead more...
A white elephant... only for the posh people
Reviewed Opel Corsa Swing 1.6
Bought this 2002 car 2nd hand because of its appearance. Done 40, 000 Km but still great pickup, very pleasing looks, comfortable and spacious. I do not need Read more...
Doctors are Hitmen & YOU pay them to kill your da
Reviewed AMRI Hospital - Gariahat Road - Kolkata
Though......... you took him to AMRI so that he does not die! Because their logo says "Get Well Soon..er!" But somehow, when you reach AMRI, the accounts depRead more...
Donating Blood, things to know B4 getting poked
Reviewed Anviksha Blood Bank
Preface: In this post, I want to discuss about the few cons and precautions of donating blood (other than the unsafe needle and AIDS stuff that everyone knowsRead more...
Reviewed Speeding Up Your Internet Connection
These days, everyone is complaining about a slow broadband connection. Everybody is getting high blood pressure from their Internet Service Providers. I bet yRead more...
Miracle Cure For Sadness
Reviewed Tips on Buying Medicines
My cousin was 23 when his fingers shook if he did not drink Rum for one day. He underwent a rigorous treatment ofDisulfiram, the common antidote fRead more...
Clumsy client
Reviewed Sify Broadband Internet Connection
Have you ever complained to God why he never answers your prayers? Well, Gods another name is Sify Broadband Client Program. You click on the Read more...
The Land of Freedom
Reviewed Thailand - General
They call it The Land of Freedom, because unlike most other countries in South Asia, Thai people have never lost their freedom to any Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on vikramullal's review
Mr. Vikram, if you do have to cancel your number, please make sure that you give them a letter asking them to stop all services and billing immediately without calling your mobile number for confirmation (According to TRAI an operator gets a maximum of 7 days to close a connection). Make a copy of t Read More...
Rated on rost's review
Commented on Soumya1986ranjan's review
Apply Stieprox liquid locally and take Canditral 100mg by mouth for 10 days. Do not let sweat dry up and get sticky on your body. Take regular bath using soap and soft water. Psoriasis goes in 15 days. Send me a thank you message after 15 days.
Commented on avi1451's review
There are several good prescription medicines for acne (eg. Isotroin by Cipla) that work within 7-14 days. None of them are over the counter. If Dr. Batra's medicine worked very slowly, it is probably just your own immune system doing the work. Acne reduces by itself as one gets older.
Rated on sekar123456's review
Commented on santhoshkumar_ooty's review
Hilarious update I must say!
Rated on santhoshkumar_ooty's review
Rated on Blasius's review
Commented on Blasius's review
Doubtful, if the person who wrote this review ever used this car himself.
Rated on Sujan's review
Rated on kingsize2001's review
Rated on mimneskesde's review
Rated on srahul's review
Commented on srahul's review
I think everybody already knows thats SUVs hog on gasoline and pollute the environment more. But what about buses? They pollute even more than SUVs. What should people with a large family or people who operate car pools do then?
Commented on mohitsapru's review
I suspected something when I booked a new Tikona connection 3 days back. The customer support girl talked like Rajdhani Express in a very heavy Southern accent and I requested her to speak slowly. She ignored my request completely and went on speaking indifferently which I was hardly able to deciphe Read More...
Rated on mohitsapru's review
Rated on solarsiva's review
Commented on sumanpalepu's review
I just made a new booking for Tikona Broadband. After reading this review, I will cancel my bookings.
Commented on jayaramkaranth's review
I just ordered Tikona Broadband for my home and my parents' home a couple of hours ago. Now after reading this review, I cancelled the one for my parents, and I will probably cancel the one for myself also.
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