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Member Since:Aug 02, 2004
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Education: BE
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You cannot find a better place to hang out.......
Reviewed The Forum Mall - Bangalore
Bangalores latest hang-out spot is The Forum, a 450,000 acre shopping complex in Koramangala. This is the first mall of its kind and size in Bangalore, Read more...
I am impressed by Bimal Auto service....
Reviewed Bimal Auto Agency - Yelahanka - Bangalore
Hi, I would like to share with you guys the good experienceI had with Bimal auto agency. First of all they have a good staff, who takes care of you immediatRead more...
Good showroom but very bad customer service
Reviewed Advaith Hyundai - Tank Road - Bangalore
Hi,I would like to share with you the difficulty we had in buying a santro from ADVAITH HYNUNDAI in bangalore.. This was the first time we were going for anoRead more...
Amazing place to chill out your weekends dude.
Reviewed Legends of Rock - Koramangala - Bangalore
Legends of rock is the perfect place to go if your looking for a great pub to have a great time in. Its the best Rock and Roll Bar I have ever been to. Read more...
This place is good but the DJ sucks
Reviewed STYX Pub - MG Road - Bangalore
Hi,I too have been to this place and the ambience is good. But the Dj does not have the sense to play some good rock numbers,I have not seen him playing sepulRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on m_santharam's review
Commented on weekrish's review
Well you should have read the reviews on mouthshut before selecting the dealer, i agree they are in the heart of the city so most of them go there, but i feel trigent has a better customer service when compared to advaith, neways i have also had a very bad experience with 'ADVAITH', do read my revie Read More...
Rated on weekrish's review
Commented on own review
Raj, thanks for reading my review in the first place, well all i can tell you is unless you come acorss a situation like this you will not know the pain. Also, if you are investing your hard earned money on someting you will realize the worth of it and then you will tell me why we are so demanding.. Read More...
Commented on Stormind's review
i second your thought about styx dude....they have to get their basics right.
Rated on LEWIS's review
Commented on LEWIS's review
I guess you went to styx drunk that is the reason you liked the shitty music they play. I went there just to check out if they have improved....but man they suck hard time. It's high time you grow up....
Commented on himanshugoswami's review
Hey dude, if you have time read the review i have written on bimal auto. I too was very impressed with their customer service, Good review.
Commented on svjayalakshmi's review
Hey good one dude, byt the way can you tell me if there is any pub in Chennai which plays only Rock. I am hard rock fan, also is Sparks still open cos i will be in chennai next month and wanted to really try this pub. Also, is this managed by the same guys who manage the Sparks pub here in bangalore Read More...
Rated on pvgm's review
Commented on nambala_rajesh's review
Yes, i do agree with you Krangappa, i was also duped by these guys... i don't know if they ever learn a lesson and improve.... my suggestion to you is to write directly to Hynduai as i did... it will def make a difference...
Rated on nambala_rajesh's review
Rated on somakaramjee's review
Commented on somakaramjee's review
Well all i can say is you were lucky to get the right REP. All i can say is i was there twice and both the time it was a very very bad customer service and very hard to understand them. Never ever will i recommend any friends of mine.
Rated on gizmo_lad's review
Commented on gizmo_lad's review
I have been here many times and this has been one of my favorites..... untill they stopped playing requests... No idea if they have gone back on their rules....
Rated on deepakarora33's review
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