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Member Since:Feb 22, 2013
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Hathway Digital Cable Services Are Worst
Reviewed Hathway Broadband
I had been using DTH Services like Videocon D2H, Tata Sky previously but recently shifted to Hathway Cable as my Local Cable Operator started digital signals Read more...
Videocon D2H is the best DTH company In India
Reviewed d2h
Videocon D2H is the best in many ways. First and foremost it cares to the highest level for its customers, I mean to say if u demand any channel then it gets Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on vikasrayiparambil's review
always cross-check charges by tweeting to videocon d2h or posting query on their facebook page. Their social media team handles things well, local support staff of any company can be mischievous. Tell engineer to bring digital meter when doing installation of dish and get dish and lnb skew adjuste Read More...
Commented on sanjay12345399's review
explain ur problem in detail, one cannot trust just a random issue as there are many who are posting bad things about videocon d2h when they not even own it
Commented on Ayush123600's review
it is fault of urs as well as of the engineer who came for installation, why did u allow the installation of videocon d2h dish on a tata sky stand
Commented on bhushanx.cool's review
what is ur complaint, post it in detail. one cannot bleive ur point until u present the facts. there are many people who are today just defaming videocon d2h for no reason
Commented on sanilsatheesan's review
every dth operator increases prices so videocon d2h is not at fault. had u taken advance rental pack then u would have come under price protection for one year, in monthly paying system that does not apply
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