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Member Since:Nov 30, 2006
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My Cute Little Yellow Ferrari!!!!!!!
Reviewed Daewoo Matiz
I own a golden yellow fully loaded matiz.Though I was a little apprehensive about buying a yellow coloured car, but now I truly feel that it was worth going 4Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on vishak_s's review
Commented on ankurmeghani_26's review
Recently, i went for a test drive of this car.I also came across the same problem.The noise of the blower is more than the engine noise.Infact i had to switch off the AC and rev a little bit to hear the engine sound.The blower noise is really annoying n i guess chevy is listening to this flaw.Other Read More...
Commented on narmadha_911's review
well said.You really have to make use of your triceps to get the car from the 3rd to 2nd gearas well as from the 1st to 2nd gear.Other than that the gears are pretty ok...
Rated on Groom's review
Rated on avipreet's review
Commented on tomthump's review
I still love my car n i don wanna sell it off despite being 8 years old.....I LOVE U MATIZ...
well said...i own 1999 matiz SP n i have also driven it @ 110 in 4th n touched 125 in 5th gear while cumin from alibaug.The raoThe car didn't disappiont me
Rated on luckyakash's review
Rated on manishc74's review
Rated on akkiman's review
Commented on own review
Kal Thanx for the info.regarding the AC.Driving with the AC on is not a problem at high speeds(more then 60).It really doesn't make a difference while overtaking also .Its only when the car is in the 1st and 2nd gear, u feel that the car should have some more power. The gear shift i Read More...
Rated on naajihun's review
Rated on rahul_its's review
Rated on libra08cool's review
Rated on syedakbar's review
Rated on sastradhar's review
Rated on himanshu93's review
Commented on himanshu93's review
i would advice u 2 first check out how a review is written.Lemme also remind u that u r writing a review on VERNA and not AVEO.
Rated on thinkwise's review
Rated on v_beleri's review
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