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Member Since:Sep 04, 2008
0 MS Points
Will be interesting knowing me. Singing, Music, Biking, Trekking all outdoor games
About Me
Education: Post Graduate
Food and Drinks: BeerBooks: Rosemary's BabyMovie Stars: Will SmithMovies: Pursuit of HappinessT.V. Shows: FRIENDSMusic: Depends on mood( But all kinds of music)Quotes: every single person knows something that you don't.
Food and Drinks: Beer
Books: Rosemary's Baby
Movie Stars: Will Smith
Movies: Pursuit of Happiness
Music: Depends on mood( But all kinds of music)
Quotes: every single person knows something that you don't.
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Stunner- Stuns but does not thrill
Reviewed Honda CBF Stunner 125
Dont take the Title in the wrong sense. I only meant that since its a 125 CC bike we cannot have a great thrill of riding like a Racer with all 150 CCs cruisiRead more...
HUNK- UnBelievable but True(Mileage and Pick UP)
Reviewed Hero Honda Hunk
*First of all Thanks all for your valuable suggestions for the reviews! First lemme tell you my riding details *I commute 75 kms a day with average traffic Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on muthu_swamy's review
Muthu, Great Review! Which Language is it in? I doubt you rode Luna and not Hunk. And I think your Pulsar caused you the herniac oproblem which pissed you off to write a review on Hunk. Who tha damn in this world told you that the Hunk will spoil if you cross 50 kmph. And who is that friend wh Read More...
Commented on Alex01's review
I did not like the bike. I saw it on road yesterday. In the images the view was excellent but when I saw it on road it really appeared small and infact the seat is very small that 2 people cannot sit on it. Sorry if some one is hurt.
Commented on anu_rekhde123's review
Good way to share your thoughts enjoy biking dude. One point you made clear 'Its you who will be riding and you should accept your bike and not anyone else'. I rode worst of the worst bikes and I am almost 6' 4' and I have a Hunk. Even I considered P200 but as I am no more a student that economy thi Read More...
Rated on anu_rekhde123's review
Commented on own review
Indeed I had so many queries regarding the mileage of the bike but I took it only because it was different with its looks. To get the optimal mileage one needs to be careful with his bike till it crosses 1500 kms and we need to ensure that the rpm doesn't cross 4000. After that you can ride it a lit Read More...
Commented on cezzane's review
You could have even taken Hunk into consideration dude. Probably it is pretty new then and it too early to comment. Now my view is if you are tall and muscular take Hunk If you are short and 5'7' and slim go for X.treme. The other combinations suck!!!!
Rated on cezzane's review
Commented on sheringkapoting's review
People Dont believe this review.I own a Hunk and its a real Wild Bike and you cannot compare any other 150CC segment bike with this. Coming to others Pulsar---- The most Dangerous Bike in India Apache-- The bike is for Kids very small and tiny Kids stare when Men Roar!!!!!
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