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Member Since:Oct 26, 2012
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Review of the Day (1)
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One of the worst hospital for Kidney patients.
Reviewed Billroth Hospital - Shenoy Nagar - Chennai
I admitted my mother in Billroth hospitals for kidney issue after getting feedback from the internet and friends, all they said, treatment is fine, finally, IRead more...
Knowlarity = Worst product and cheat company
Reviewed Knowlarity Communications Pvt Ltd
I have purchased the IVR system and the system was functioning properly.  I have raised the complaints but there is no response. Moreover, the IVR number is Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on inder83's review
here also SEO guy who post positive comments for this hospital and get paid for that. Keep in mind you are getting paid by indirectly killing others.
Commented on ramvihar92's review
Absolutely wrong. This guy may doing SEO for this hospital. You guys are playing with others like. This is the hospital who suffer a lot and IN patients will suffer a lot. Worst worst.. hospital. Don't the this fellows feedback. They kills the patients and play with patients life. viewers trust Read More...
Commented on taj97's review
Do you know how many patients suffered everyday? One of the worst hospital i never seen in my life. Try to save life or keep quite. Dont support to this killers.
Commented on RKumar90's review
Kumar, your SEO work is good. But, Its my humble request don't play with others life. Many suffers and fedup with their treatment. Try to help others or please keep quit.
Commented on VMandal94's review
One of the worst hospital in India. Staffs are rude, doctors are very rude, worthless doctors, I can even say 'L' board doctors are many. Please stay back from this hospital.
Rated on VMandal94's review
Rated on vikramkumar287's review
Rated on log2bombay's review
Rated on chetu7845's review
Commented on chetu7845's review
worst service and very rude to the customers
Rated on sushil387's review
Commented on ankpur's review
I lost my money... The big mistake i was did, i have paid full amount by having the trust on them. They cheat me. No support and still now i didnt get refund.
Rated on ankpur's review
Rated on vijay49632's review
Commented on AashyaR's review
Commented on sandy0444's article
Remo Spectranet is one of the worst and cheat peoples in India. Please do trust those spectranet team particularly DATA center team. First they will get the money and then they will say, we will provide you the server in 2 days and they wont provide the server even after one week. If we cancel the o Read More...
Spectranet - Data Center Services Provider in India
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