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Member Since:Feb 08, 2013
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Reviewed Honda Dream Yuga
1.First of all these bikes have no mileage that is being mentioned by Honda >I promise that  your bike mileage will be 55-60 , if you ride in economy.If u go Read more...
Reviewed Hero Passion xPro
Today ie 8/2/2013, I visited Hero showroom in allapuzha. Got the chance to see almost all bikes by hero and their modals. I then dragged myself into two bikesRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on joegphilip's review
Commented on own review
Hi Mr johnmv I hope you have bought the het version of honda dream yuga.I bought this bike on feb2013.till 1700km i.did not face much issues but after that bike showed regular chain sound even after tightening.no use at all .there is also issues with the gear shift sometimes goes to.neutral in betw Read More...
hello Avi23, Go for Heros bike whether 100cc or 110cc whichever you like,Hero passion Xpro is upto the current trends and style pilot lamps digital meter and all .If you are not into trends and all you like is simplicity and class you go for splender models.80 per week on petrol #If you want more Read More...
Rated on wankade's review
Commented on akreddychem143's review
My dream yugas now giving mileage of 55-60kmpl ,before first service i recieved 66kmpl but after that it went down to 55-60kmpl.Having continuos problems with chain ,chain produces wiered sound even after tightening it,problems with gear 2nd gears hard ,sometimes gear goes to neutral while shiftingb Read More...
Rated on akreddychem143's review
Commented on asadullah499's review
go for splender pro
Commented on kiranmaddy's review
same here with mileage 55-60, and also chain sound ..even after tightening it ,chain sound still persist.
Rated on kiranmaddy's review
Commented on Vinayera's review
True with mileage,sound , i have chain sound problems evn after tightenning it ,then with gear 2nd gear is hard and sometimes while shifting gear it goes to neutral
Rated on Vinayera's review
Commented on crazyfayu's review
Guys go for shine that is a lot better than honda dream yuga and honda dream Neo
Rated on crazyfayu's review
Rated on dev_kr's review
Commented on ashishthegreat100's review
i too have that kind of sound with chain
Commented on goutam_kol's review
did yamaha change its carburetor on yamaha fz
Commented on sandeepsehrawat198's review
mileage in city as well asa highways is between 55-60.I asked to almost 17 people qwing dream yuga.Out of which 15 are geting mileage 55-60 and rest are getting 65-70 .And thers is continuous problems with chain making sound even after tighting.Gear sometimes gets hard while shifting from1-2 and als Read More...
Rated on sandeepsehrawat198's review
I own Ddream yuga ince 5 months with 6000km run and mileage is around 55-60kmpl.company promised 72 but,i never even got 70..the maximun i got was 66 kmpl that to before 1st service.Bikes got same engine that of twister,since twisters sales crashed,they just made a bit off makeover on draem yuga.eng Read More...
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