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Member Since:Feb 14, 2011
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Fraud by Flipkart
Reviewed Flipkart
Im a regular online shopper, I can only say, none of the online Shopping websites are consistent, and these guys wanna compare themselves with amazon(NoRead more...
Awful Website, with Illogical support
Reviewed Bitfang
Im used of online Shopping, I just thought of Checking this website, I found a product of my choice and was hesitated for paying it before delivery but Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Raj986's review
Ya, even I've gone through this website, its pretty awesome...
Followed Raj986
Rated on Raj986's review
Commented on rakeshpos78's review
Ya, even we have read all positive reviews, its highly impossible, these guys are fraudster BIGTIME
Rated on rakeshpos78's review
Commented on deepaksolanki841's review
Ya, same here, Flipkart's just good with Books n nothing else
Rated on deepaksolanki841's review
Rated on khamo88's review
Commented on khamo88's review
Kuch bhi, this guy seems an employee at Yebhi
Commented on skchomi's review
I would Say, Fk is only good with Books, rest services are pathetic, They Guarantee Lowest Price, but I don't think so. May be too much of marketing have made them increase prices. I would mostly go shopping if given good prices and many other are giving them.
Rated on skchomi's review
Commented on vinod12383's review
I would say, Flipkart is only good with books, and nothing else
Commented on abhaydev's review
Flipkart is only good with Book selling, none of other...
Rated on abhaydev's review
Commented on ravi432in's review
VERY TRUE, Rightly said
Commented on nrvgnm's review
The Above stated is a fact, and this website is awful
Rated on nrvgnm's review
Rated on ravi432in's review
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